Ayre CX-7e vs. Bryston BCD-1


I'm in the process of getting a different CDP. Has anyone compared the Ayre CX-7e with the Bryston BCD-1. Any feedback would be welcome!
I run a Bryston BDA-1, which is their DAC, into an AX-7E with great success.
As good as my Ayre CX7e is, and it is definitely better in terms of the flow of music and the depth and spacial aspects, it just can't compete with good vinyl. But then not much (if anything) really can.

I'm on the waiting list for the MP upgrade. I'm reading good things about that and am anxious to hear the differences.

I apologise if I misunderstood,although I read( I never directly compared the two)I thought the CD-7 would have more synergy with the audioresearch pre(at least to my ears)when I auditioned all 3.It all really matters to Hgeifman as he will be the one listening to which ever he chooses.
i'm glad he's taking his time and gets to audition a few
player's,as nothing worse than going by reviews ect and finding out that it doesn't do it for him emotionally music wise.I think I like my music too much,just like the rest of us here,as we want it to be the best experience we can afford.
I think i'll go spin an LP(I like that,choices).
I'll assume that response was meant for me. Don't get me wrong.... I'm not saying there aren't players out there that sound better than Ayre's own when used with other Ayre components. I just haven't had the pleasure of listening to one yet. I didn't go out and blindly buy all Ayre gear because I believe in system synergy. I've demoed quite a mix of things over the years, including bryston, in single manufacture systems and mixed. I still go hang out at dealers and listen to different systems just because. It's fun.

All the times I've heard Ayre systems though I always come back to the Ayre players as the ones that sound best to me. Thus my comment. And thus I have an all Ayre system.

And yes I've listened to the Bryston, both in a Bryston system and with other mixed gear. I've listened to a lot of Bryston components over the years.

I bought what sounded best to me... although that was before the C5x came out :)
Funny about system synergy,as when I auditioned arcam cd-36,
Audio Research CD-7,Bryston Bcd-1.For over a year I wanted the CD-7.I went to my Audio dealer who sells all three.
He had them all hooked up to a AudioRsearch pre.
i was there with my own cds amd a good 2-3 hrs of clicking the remote fo the pre to switch cdps.To my ears I thought the cd-7 would definately blow the others away.I liked it better than the arcam.So between the Cd-7 and Bryston,the Bryston to me, brought the instruments closer to authenticity of how each
instrument should sound and drew me in totally.I kept going
going back to the cd-7 as that's the one I wanted,but I had to trust MY ears as the Bryston got my emotions going.
I find she's an honest player no bullshit just music,real music.So I bought her and no regrets.I don't know how someone can say that a component has better synergy than
another component,without even trying it out.they definetely
made a closed mind desisionlet alone their ears,which I guess doesn't matter.If you can try them all,don't let somebody tell you just because both components are made by the same manufacturer thatthey have better synergy,especially since they didn't even listen to the other piece.I think we all hear,listen different,just as musicians do and people that don't listen 24/7.I'd take it all in,but do yourself a favor if you can try them all out,
especially with your own music,then YOU WILL KNOW and musically,you'll be alot happier,I am.
The Bryson Rep called me today and confirmed that Bryson has no retailers in the San Francisco Bay Area. He offered to loan me the Bryston BCD-1 and I will contact him around mid September.

All the reviews I saw on the Bryson BCD-1 were very positive but I need to determine how it sounds with my Ayre AX-7e amplifier in my home. I should be able to do this with I get the unit. If anyone has heard the Bryson BCD-1 vs. Ayre CX-7eMP, I would be interested in hearing your opinion. Thanks again for all your information above.
I demoed the Cambridge 840c and the Bryston. To me the Cambridge had much better resolution and correct presentation of timbre. Plus it will save you $

While I've never directly compared the two.. I too prefer the CX7. I will say there is definitely a system synergy with Ayre as well and it would be a better match for your AX7e than the bryston.
I am interested in the Bryston BCD-1 CD player but cannot find any retailers in the San Francisco Bay area. I talked to Bryston and their Rep is supposed to let me know. My guess is they have no retailers in my area (I cannot believe it). I need a CD player that runs balanced to my Ayre AX-7e connected to my Quad 12L Speakers. And yes, I am also looking at the Ayre CX-7e MP CD. Any comments on the Bryston BCD-1 and the Ayre AX-7e amplifier?
i have not compared the 2 players,but i have a cambridge 840c,i had musical fidelity a5 and a1,and i like the other players,dont get me wrong im not bashing the bryston,i have a 4bsst and there bp26 pre,and was wishing to have a mached set, but was not impressed,so i kept the 840c 4 now
Thanks for the input. Another player I forgot to mention was the Cary 303/300 any thoughts on that one capared to the Ayre or Bryston? Thanks.
Try the Ayre C5xe...it will knock your socks off. Make sure you listen to anything with the name Ayre on it in balanced configuration. It makes a big difference.
While this post is not helpful regarding this question, I wanted to second how good Gifted Listener is! It is owned and operated by an individual and he is great to work with. I have purchased several items from him long distance and he has cheerfully spent quite a lot of time with me on the phone as I ask all manner of questions. Really a joy to work with!
I was in the market for a new cdp also when my audio research cd2 bit the dust on me. I listened at lenght to the Ayre and Bryston players and preferred the Ayre. The Bryston did not do anything wrong and sounded quite nice for the money, but the Ayre was and improvement I feel across the board. The Ayre was more lively sounding with more of a forward sound, but was cleaner with a bigger soundstage.The system consisted of the Ayre mono block amps with a Levenson pre and Thiel 3.7 speakers.
I must add though that at the same audition I preferred the Linn Majik player over the Ayre on that system and on Jazz music.
My listening was done by the way at Gifted listerner audio in Centreville Virginia near the D.C. area. I forgot the gentleman who was the owner who spent time with me but I must say it was a most enjoyable time, no pressure, took his time , I felt very comfortable and could just listen to the music. A rare dealer in this high pressure time.

Good Luck!