B&W 703 - How to tame the highs?

I traded up my Paradigms studio 100s this past summer for these B&W 703. I find the highs on the 703 to be a bit harsh / bright. How do I tame them? I currently have them toed in slightly towards the listener.

Showing 6 responses by judy426

>>I will be trading up in July, 2006. Most likely to the B&W 800 series<<

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Furthermore, you'll need monster amplification for a similiar sonic signature. There are so many far far better choices. Good luck.
The Cary Six Pacs are nice amps for the money. Consider selling the B&W. There are far better choices for the money. Good luck.
>>I really thought it would hard to have harsh highs with tube equipment, but I do<<

All you need is a low quality speaker like the 703. You learned the hard way. Don't give up. Sell 'em and move up the audio food chain.
Harsh and accurate are two different concepts. You have inferred from my accurate comments that they are harsh. Not so. First, the overall sonic signature of the B&W line is one of lacking musicality. Advocates call them precise and detailed. Truthfully speaking they are dry, lifeless, and fatiguing. As I mentioned prior, you will need gobs of power to adequately drive them. This effectively eliminates most high quality tube amps in favor of the ultra high powered solid state amps such as Krell and Bryston which will drive B&W however 2 wrongs don't make a right.
There are many many others to choose from. The list includes but is not limited to (in no particular order) Green Mountain, Zu, Pro Ac, Paradigm, Coincident, Von Schweikert, Vandersteen, Silverline, Hyperion, Merlin, Quad, Usher.
Don't buy on name. It that were the case everybody would own B&W. It's a great company. Good distribution, dealers, and customer service. Bad sound. Look at the number of B&W speakers on Audiogon (over 100 pair) as we speak. There's a reason for this. Take some time and listen as opposed to reading. Get more for your hard earned money. Good luck.
Snofun3 is spot on with the Martin Logan suggestion. However, you may need to replace the Six Pacs to take full advantage of the ML's. In any case, the ML is a BIG upgrade over the 703 and will need a lot less power than the 800 series which are unlistenable even with gobs of juice.
>>Bashing ones system without having heard it is pointless and petty<<

Big mistake my little friend. Nobody bashed anybody's system. I'm taking issue with the manufacturer's product. Let's understand that first. Secondly, I reiterate, B&W is a great company, with great distribution, and great retailers. The product, however, stinks.