Baltimore MD

Anybody interested in starting a club or discussion grp

Showing 12 responses by jdechamp

OK, the Holidays are behind us! Can I get a show of hands from those planning to get together on the 13th?


It looks as though there are at least a few of us who would like to get together. I suggest we select a date or two and see if we can get some commitments. Once we have a date I'm sure we can work out the location. January 6th or 13th look good for me, anyone else????


Thanks, Columbia is probably pretty easy to reach for most. I have heard from one person wanting to meet 1/13, anyone else?


Thanks for the suggestions and the offer to host. I would love to hear your system.
If you host I will volunteer to bring some "refreshments" or whatever. I can probably also bring some cables or something that could be loaned out for evaluation / comparison.

If we can come up with a date and location I would try to join you. I'm in Annapolis so if that is convenient I could host sometime.

It looks like we have enough people wanting to meet on 1/13 to try to pull this together. As I indicated, I am willing to host. If Annapolis is not convenient please let me know and suggest an alternative.


I know Richard at Stansbury and he is a real nice guy, but my preference would be to meet at someones house. But I am certainly willing to compromise!

With big thanks to Sang we are going to have a get together. I like the idea of his room acoustics being the main topic, if there are any other items anyone would like to discuss lets get them lined up. Noonish works for me.

I'll be able to bring some speaker cables. Anyone else looking for something specific?

Sorry to hear you can't make it, but I look forward to seeing the others and if it isn't a complete bust I'm sure there will be other opportunities.
For those attending, see you Sunday!

I just want to add my thanks to Sang and the others who attended our get together Sunday. I really enjoyed listening to Sang's system, the big Maggies driven by the Joule tubes were really special. Luckily Sang has a big room as there were 8 of us enjoying the music, drinks and food. We also got to listen to Paul's sweet sounding modded Sony CD player and an impressive pair of Merlin monitors. It really got interesting when the Room Measurement equipment was set up and we were able to view room response plots, which indicated Sang 's space works pretty well.
Thanks to Mike for offering to host our next gathering, any dates in mind?
