Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.

"Brilliant Pebbles is a unique and comprehensive system for tuning the room and audio system based on special physical properties of highly symmetrical crystal structures.  Brilliant Pebbles addresses specific resonance control and RFI/EMI absorption problems associated with audio electronics  No snake oil here.
@tobor007 - Have you used Brilliant Peebles? Where did you place them? What was the result? How did the sound change/improve?
No I haven't used them.  I should have also asked if anyone has tried them. However, I do not want to be agenda driven (a fair statement). This is an example of a person (me) not being open minded and not testing the product prior to making a judgement. But I will buy some Mikro Pebbles ($39 for a small bag) and test them for a week or so. Per the instructions, I will have my wife strap a couple of bags of Pebbles on (and off) the cables over the course of several days. I will keep a log of my findings. Then I will do the the test for her. Hopefully, we will hear the difference. Certainly Machina Dynamica is not making false claims They have "white paper test results called "Power to the Pebble". I will be using McIntosh 601's, McIntosh c47 pre, Salon 2 speakers, Kimber cable, and a Rega P2 turntable with an Ortofor (blue) cartridge. It is a dedicated (quiet) sound room with no extraneous noise. I will report back with my findings. 
Sounds like just more of Dr. So and So’s magic elixer to me. I read these forums for actual, valuable information, not advertising masquerading as forum comments.
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This thread was really unnecessary dude. That stated, It would not matter what you did with that McIntosh equipment, it will still sound like the sub-par over priced McIntosh equipment it is. The best thing you could do is start over. 
I think it will be brilliant when your clients start picking up those pebbles and directing them your way!!

Get a humidifier and a powerful AC.. Cold humid air is dense and makes sound great..  Better than $10,000 cables but not as good as $20,000 cables...😎
Or you can order some Himalayan cave air (for $100,000) to get the absolute heaven in musical quality..🤪
What is the sonic difference between brilliant pebbles and matte ones? Is the sound with matte type a bit dull?

"Get a humidifier and a powerful AC.."
Not a good idea. Air conditioner would dry it out in the end but would need to work harder than usual and you know it would wreak havoc on your electrical circuit. You would need glow-in-the-dark rocks to manage that issue although some say that glow-in-the-dark Crocs would work well, too, and at significantly lower price.
Hmmm, I always thought it was "Etiam tu, mi fili" although in Greek. Who would know, after all these years?

I actually had glow-in-the dark Crocs around and did not notice any impact on sound. On the other hand, I rarely use air conditioning so I cannot say they would not help if I did.
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" This thread was really unnecessary dude. That stated, It would not matter what you did with that McIntosh equipment, it will still sound like the sub-par over priced McIntosh equipment it is. The best thing you could do is start over.

You are correct. I feel kind of embarrassed to say I have a brand that has had a history of shabby engineering and poor sound quality. It just dose not hold it’s value because there is no demand for 2nd hand Mc. stuff, so I know I’m stuck with it. But please don’t be judgmental about my equipment. When I get my results, I am willing to forward the Pebbles to you for a real high end audiophile test. Perhaps better gear will reveal more of the sonic benefits of the Pebbles. Thank you in advance for your help.
No one seems to know Brilliant Pebbles was the brainchild of Lawrence Livermore physicist Lowell L Wood as part of the SDI initiative taken up by the Reagan administration in the late 1980's. Instead of thousands of kinetic satellites placed in orbit defending humanity from nuclear annihilation we have a handful of crystals defending your tunes. This proves the adage that history repeats itself, first as drama, then as farce.

If your results don't pan out you can always return them for a refund......
with a slingshot.
More good stuff on the original Star Wars’ Brilliant Pebbles concept.

The name is a play on the idea of Smart Rocks, a concept promoted by Daniel O. Graham as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).[a] This used large battle stations with powerful sensors, carrying dozens of small missiles, the rocks. To keep enough missiles above the Soviet Union at any given time, a minimum of 423 stations would be needed. The United States Air Force pointed out that this would require an enormous space lift capability, well beyond what was available. In meetings with Graham, Teller dismissed the concept as "outlandish"[3] and vulnerable to attack by anti-satellite weapons. The SDI Office (SDIO) was similarly dismissive of the concept.

Teller and Wood initially proposed their own BMD system, Project Excalibur. This used an X-ray laser driven by a nuclear warhead that could attack dozens of ICBMs at once. In 1986, Excalibur failed several critical tests. Soon after, the American Physical Society published a report stating that none of the directed-energy weapons being studied by SDI were remotely ready for use. Abandoning these approaches for the short term, SDIO then promoted a new concept that was essentially a renamed Smart Rocks. It was at this point that Wood introduced Pebbles, suggesting that advances in sensors and microprocessors meant there was no need for a central station—the missiles could host all the equipment they needed to act alone. To attack this system, anti-satellite weapons would have to be launched against every pebble, not every station.

Lucky they fixed the problem with the  none linear response of glass bottles.

"The original glass bottles for Brilliant Pebbles have been replaced by clear zip lock bags, which have a more linear response than glass."
As far as I'm concerned, it's small chunks of amber all the way.  I sticky-tape them to everything.  Just be sure they're nice and clear.  Those pesky prehistoric insects have a distinctly deleterious effect on what is otherwise a massive improvement in timbral presentation.
I would say be careful drinking a few beers in the cave, standing up without thinking a taking a stalactite to the head.
Maybe the very best way to find out where crystals should be placed in a given room is to map out the 3 dimensional space of the room using a SPL meter and a test tone, a good test tone is 315 Hz but they are probably others, too. Wherever you find sound pressure peaks in the room, including reflection points and standing waves, etc. that exceed the average SPL in the room by more than 6 dB, bingo! That’s where one goes! Example, upper room corners. Before you know it, you’ve got yourself a Fortress of Solitude, dude.
"Before you know it, you’ve got yourself a Fortress of Solitude, dude."
Most of the people achieve that with a lock and key, not pebbles on the ceiling.
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" You are correct. I feel kind of embarrassed to say I have a brand that has had a history of shabby engineering and poor sound quality"
Just so we're on the same page, it's not your terrible taste in high end electronics that I've found unnecessary (your choice), but your choice in starting this thread.

BTW, that shabby engineering (your words / I don't necessarily think their engineering is shabby, just their sound quality) is highlighted in this recent thread, if you're interested

"DC Offset Blocker/Killer - where to buy in the USA"

In the category of no good deed goes unpunished, I for some unfathomable reason decided to Google Brilliant Pebbles. God help me. Mom always said if you can't find anything good to say then its okay to cut and paste their own words from their own website.

To wit:

   ...he is the designer of Nimbus Sub-Hertz Isolation Platform, Promethean Base isolation stand, Brilliant Pebbles, Tru-Tone Duplex Covers, Flying Saucers for Windows and Wall Outlets, Baby Promethean Mini Springs, Blue Meanies, Codename Turquoise CD Tray Masking Kit, Quark! Pure natural cork, CD Re-animal Stroboscopic Light Gun, Codename Top Banana Blu Ray Tray Masking Kit, Dark Matter, Spectrum Purifier, Particle Accelerator Tourmaline Gun, Teleportation Tweak... 
millercarbon, thanks for posting. By now there are many more on the list. I have been busy. I take it you have a fear of words.
"BTW, that shabby engineering (your words / I don't necessarily think their engineering is shabby, just their sound quality) is highlighted in this recent thread, if you're interested"

Sorry man, I just meant this in good fun. I really did not want to start the mine is bigger than yours stuff. I'm sure whatever you have sounds much better than mine. And I am happy for you.

I will say out of all the posts, there was some really interesting info. Thanks.
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   It would seem that very few people take seriously the effect 'Quantum Physics' has had on  our hobby and the improvements that have been made in circuit design. Brilliant Pebbles was just the beginning of using 'crystals' to modify electrons to improve the flow of signals through circuits, connectors, crossovers and all electronics in an audio systems.  
   Bybee Technologies and others have proven this over the years and have developed other products that can change the molecular structure in the air thereby improving our music listening experience. Doesn't matter how much money you spend on your audio equipment, if you don't tame your 'rooms' interaction (response) with the sound launched from the speakers, we are not doing all that we can to hear the original performance...
I sent Jack Bybee one of my Mini Brilliant Pebbles by way of John Curl about ten years ago. I also explained to him in twenty five words or less how The Intelligent Chip works.

There is no real line of separation between quantum physics and classical physics.
These things have been around for quite a while I believe, and still not  even a hint of what principle of physics is supposed to be involved.  The statements about them are just meaningless generalizations.  
I actually explained the atomic physics involved when crystals are used in audio applications around 15 years ago on my web site.

Glad to see someone interested in the physics of crystals. Welcome aboard, sailor!

Brilliant Pebbles was the first comprehensive crystal based product for audio applications. Brilliant Pebbles debuted at the Hi Fi Show at Heathrow Airport, London 2003, or maybe 2004 and were demo’d in the Golden Sound room at CES in 2005.

Brilliant Pebbles - White Paper, how crystals work,