Can a scratched record...

be repaired?
Scratch "repair" and alternatives have pretty much been covered here but I;ll ask the obvious. What is the LP title? Maybe some here can help with replacement. Copying the LP to CD is easy, though and, as has been said the "click" can be digitally removed.
For MANUAL click removal, I use WaveRepair. It's very easy to use, once you're past the "learning curve", and they have a free 30 day trial:

WaveRepairs's AUTOMATIC click removal functions are not that great, though. For automatic, I've been meaning to give this one a try (but haven't yet):
Onhwy61...Technically you are correct. But some people would rather listen to a scratched LP than a clean digital copy. I have a few ancient LPs that I keep only for sentimental reasons.
Transfer the vinyl to a digital file format and store it on a computer. There are any number of click removal software programs that can automatically eliminate all but the largest of scratches. Alternatively, even simple audio editing programs have a "draw" function that allows you to manually remove the clicks.
There is a way that works absolute wonders about 20% of the time, improves the lp substantially about 50% of the time, doesn't work at all 25%, and can cause more noise about 5%. It involves spinning the record backwards. You need the right needle, which depends on the type of record and what cutting head was used - and there is also skill/experience involved.
The best way to fix your scratched record situation is to try to buy another one off eBay and hope that is better than the copy you have now.
What we really need are some "Record repair and cleaning nanobots".
They would be placed at the leadin groove and work along the groove... Cleaning and repairing damage.
Can't wait.
No, never, no way and that's the beauty of LPs! Handling them keeps you on edge which makes the music better until such time as you get anxious because you know the mad dash to the tt is near to save that high priced stylus and irreplaceable record. Wouldn't have it any other way!
Albertporter...With 3500 CDs, your exposure is about ten times mine. Still I wonder about this CD skipping problem which you are not alone in reporting. The error correcting code used by CD should sail through quite prolonged data corruption (I forget the exact duration, but it would seem to be longer than any little scratch or blob of dirt). Perhaps there is something more complex than data drop out. Just a guess, but does the player (some of them) quit if the laser focus servo has a problem, regardless of the data comming in?
Eldartford, I had two ECM (Jazz) recordings that failed to play on ANY CD player, not mine not anyone in my group. I cleaned them only after they failed to play.

The typical problem was music played fine and then at one particular spot, it repeated the same tone over and over until forced to stop. The error was at EXACTLY the same minute and second every time and the CD appeared flawless visually.

I have also had one Columbia that skipped and a few classical titles on Harmonia Mundi that were defective.

Perhaps you are lucky or perhaps you have not owned as many CD's as I have. When I was really into digital and determined to make the format work, I had over 3500 of them.
I have an LP(my only one), that's out-of-print and the best track has the scratch. I have a copy of the track, but it's on an old cassette of dubious quality. Anyone out there with a laser T.T. that an make CD copy for me? I'll pay for your trouble.
Albertporter...I note your comment about CDs that skip, and am puzzled. I have never (no never) encountered a CD that wouldn't play, except for one or two that were visibly defective when new. Also, I never clean CDs. I suspect that repeated cleaning may be doing damage. I never touch the silver surface of the disk, always store them in their cases, and there really is no way for them to get dirty. Some players handle read errors better than others. Maybe I have been lucky to have good ones.
Playing a LP wet was common among audiophiles 50 years ago. It was a trick we picked up from radio stations, and has the effect of reducing surface noise. It probably also limits HF signal, which was not a problem for AM radio. Its effect is for steady-state noise, and it won't do anything for a scatch.
No first hand knowledge, but I understand that you can play a record "wet" and at least reduce the audible effects of the record damage. Can anyone explain or comment?
A scratch that traverses several grooves is impractical to repair (although digital copy and offline software can do wonders for recordings of historic value). However, a simple "dig" that affects only a couple of grooves but causes the record to skip, or worse, repeat, can be fixed by delicate surgery with a sewing needle. Of course the defect will remain audible, but at least the LP is playable.
Not that I’m aware of. In fact, I've owned CD's that in spite of careful and repeated cleaning, would not stop skipping.

Sometimes the software is just damaged. Enjoy as it is or dispose of it for a fresh copy.
There is a machine that is $400.00 that heats up a record and allows any warps to go away. Beyond that I do not know. Good Luck.