Cannot find perfect sound

I've been listening to supposedly some of the finest speakers that currently exist. These include b&w 800 Series, revel high end, vivid audio, Psi audio and kef blades.

None except the kef blades satisfied my high level standards.

When I play my reference tracks on cheap earbuds I hear timing accuracy that is missing on all the above speakers. Only the kef blades came closest to what I hear from cheap earbuds. 

Explanations please?

I really suspect that none of these high end speakers are accurately reproducing the sound on my CDs despite all the marketing claims about accuracy and high quality sound.

What could there possibly be that my cheap earbuds can do that eludes these super high end speakers?  

I'm not so eager anymore to spend any money until I have a good explanation.

Here I am, 'OM' coming from speakers... I though of an experiment for you:

Take those speakers you're disappointed with and put them outside somewhere you can - along with some version of your gear you can move. Don't get too wound up about the techie stuff...

You will be blown away. It's ILLUMINATING

Don't get too tripped up from the loss of bass but listen to the midrange 'timing' or 'pacing' you're complaining about.... on high end speakers I bet the resonances and smearing you hear are GONE. Speakers in this day and age typically aren't the problem now adays...

Of course I've done that already. I can still hear all the same problems it's actually easier to hear without the room now.

Wait for PS Audio's new line of speakers to come out and make an effort to listen. Paul seems to be keying in on the areas you are griping about. 

There is no perfect speaker, not even headphones. You have to find the ones that best reproduce music the way you like and want. The only way to do it is to listen.

Rooms make a huge difference.
@enliten - I agree with what you are saying.  After reading all 80+ responses, my conclusion is that the OP pretty much has made up his mind that he will never find a pair of “perfect” speakers, and seems to have a rebuttal for every suggestion!  Experiencing music reproduction in one’s own listening space with one’s own gear is a unique set up and no amount of listening in stores or other’s rooms is an indicator.  OP’s focus on this so called “timing” is stressing him out, and he’s missing the joy of just simply listening to music he enjoys.

You might consider looking at a headphone setup and pass on speakers room to bother with