darTZeel NHB-108 users please check in ...

I just picked up a darTZeel NHB-108 amp. I love the way it sounds. Please let me know your experience with darTZeel gear. Thanks!

Showing 16 responses by joeinid

Hi Snook,

I would love the preamp as well but my Burmester 077 seems to do very well with the NHB-108. I really like my Dart amp. Herve is a genius.
Hi Snook,

Yes, it has the latest SCNP update and is the version "A". What batteries are you talking about? I know the preamp uses batteries, not the amp. Amazing sound.
It is very sweet. I am going to have to experiment with cables, ac cords and my preamp and see how the sound changes. Some of my sources are not worthy of the Dart amp and it shows :(

Any idea how much the mono blocks cost? I know they are out of reach, just curious. Thanks Alexandre.
Thanks Raquel and Rugy,

I wish I had discovered Dartzeel earlier. I appreciate all the comments. Please keep them coming. When the dust settles, I will be comparing the Dart 108 against Burmester 911mk3 monos and see where it takes me.
I am very impressed by my Dartzeel amp and like it very much.

Rugy posted "the dart pre and amp just do everything so 'right' that you just listen to music and don't give them a second thought. solid state? tubes? you don't even think about it, just music!"

A big thumbs up to that!!! So far my Dartzeel is on top of my list. There's magic inside :)
Well it's time for an update. Slightly more than one year later I was finally able to add the Dartzeel 18NS preamp to my beloved Dartzeel 108 amp. Holy cow is there magic in these components. I still need to add the zeel bnc cable but I am loving this combo immensely. Big, wide and deep sound stage. Detail in spades with zero harshness. The music just flows out of a quiet background. Herve is a genius. My speakers are TAD CR-1's. I could not get rid of my Burmester gear fast enough to get both the Dartzeel amp and preamp.
Yes, my Dartzeel is better, IMO, than my Burmester gear and many others I've had. I am happy. Cable upgrades are on the list but this gear is wonderful.
I was using a Burmester 077 with external power supply. I do admit the 077 is a superb preamp.

I was just fooling around about the double post. No worries. I am glad you are happy. In the right system, Burmester can be wonderful. I like Dartzeel and D'Agostino better. It's just my opinion.
My CR-1's are 2 feet (maybe plus a few inches) from the front wall and almost cross-fire in front of me. They are probably a little further apart than TAD recommends, but as time went on, I'd move them in tiny amounts. All in all, I am very happy with the sound. I do like to switch gear around to mix up the flavor. The Dartzeel combo seems the most detailed yet natural sound I've heard from the TAD's. I get more excitement from the Dagostino and it's nice to have choices. I don't think I'd ever be satisfied with one system. The tinkerer in me can't leave well enough alone. The highs on the TAD's from my Burmester gear was just a little too much for me. I don't get that from Dartzeel or Dagostino.

I am so happy for you. TADs are amazing speakers. Just enjoy the heck out of them. I have a friend who is very close to pulling the trigger on the Ref Ones. Please post some more of your opinion so as to help me push him over the edge. Congratulations!
Viola was recommended to me as well for my TADs. I do plan on hearing them at some point, just for fun. But as we both know how dangerous to your wallet it can be. I am so glad you are happy. That's what it's all about. Have fun!
Hi Knghifi,

Yes. I've used a VAC Sig IIa and a CJ GAT. Right now I am using a Dartzeel NHB-18NS on my Dartzeel 108 and I am waiting for a Dagostino preamp to go with my Dagostino Momentum stereo amp.

I should hopefully give you an answer in about 6 weeks. Production is a little backed up. I can't wait.