Diving back into analog...which turntable to buy

Ive tried this a few years ago with a LP12 table and could never get it to sound as good as my digital so off it went.Im determined to get a table and make it work...So im willing to spend up to a grand,nothing more.What do I buy used or new.Looking for an easy to setup and maintain belt drive table.Thanks in advance

Showing 6 responses by missioncoonery

Well this is all discouraging,lol...I tried everything possible with the lp12 I had.I even had a table guy come in and do his magic as he stated before coming.Couldn't compare to my Esoteric player.Anyway I want to try this,my budget is a grand..Im seeking info on tables to consider new or used,thats all really.
Im saying a grand on the table..not a table,cart and phone pre...and yes I have albums tons of them that have been boxed for decades,lol.I guess ill go back to google..thanks though
Guys...no idea what the heck you are all bantering about and don't really care but it doesnt address my question about turntable recommendations..focus please
If you want to "talk amounst yourselves". Start your own thread.Im just asking to those who know more about this what tables they recommend in my price range...pretty simple I would think
I was offered by a couple guys a used Scout in my price range.My asking is I have no audio stores in my area,none.Closest is 3 hours away..Im going that direction with VPI.Thanks again
Update....I have now spent a couple weeks with my Scout.The setup really wasn't that difficult,a few trips to utube and phone calls and off we go. Not a ton of money invested and really wasn't expecting anything close to my digital side so I wasn't disappointed this time around when it fell short,way short of the mark. Forgetting the snap,crackle,pop..the inconvience of having to get up every 20 minutes to change sides and not wanting to get up to skip the songs that suck...the cleaning of each record before and after each listening session ..im now able to enjoy on some level the records Ive been toting around for decades