
Anyone else have issue with ImportCDs not returning emails or acknowledging your returns? I never got credit/refund for one RBCD months ago and now no email replies from my three returned (new & unopened) SACD's which I sent back with USPS delivery confirmation insured. They were delivered according to USPS. Anyone have a contact with ImportCD's in Irvine, CA or know a consumer agency that can assist me?
Doing it through Amazon does throw the weight of the big company behind any issues. I have found Amazon to be peerless with regard to order problems, whether that be through the main site or with regard to their Marketplace traders.
I can only assume they treat their amazon clients better then if you buy direct as I did.
If that is the case, people should be made aware, as I was to this company by a forum.

Import CDs has their own website. However, like you, my purchases have been through Amazon - without a hitch. Apparently, dealing with them direct carries more risk.
I've probably bought at least 50 CDs from them over the past several years and have never had a problem - consistently the fastest shipping of any Amazon third-party vendor I've used. Sorry to hear other folks have had problems.
I buy almost all of my CDs online, and for me, Amazon is the way to go. Selling on Amazon is so competitive, with so many vendors offering the same merchandise, that your customer feedback caries great weight.
I've never had need to blacklist them and I have bought, via the Amazon marketplace traders, over 40 items. I do know that people have often complained about them on the Hoffman forum, citing all the same problems as quoted above (unless all the same Hoffman users are posting here as well!)
BEWARE OF IMPORTCD. BEWARE and use at your own caution.

I will never order from this company again after this experience.
1-On Nov 9th I pre-ordered the Audio Fidelity 24k CD of CSN from this firm (part of a $250 first order)with a shipping date of December 6th.

2-ImportCD changed it week later to December 13th. As this was a christmas gift I still felt we were ok time wise. I next inquired on the 13th the status of my order. There response was that the manufacturer was at fault for not delivering as promised.

3-On the 15th I sent a 2nd email inquiring if they had an ETA. They told me the order was complete except for the backorder) I sent back an email reminding them it was a pre-order and not a back order.

4-On december 21st I sent a forth email again asked where the order was. Ten minutes later, they send me the last email stating " their policy to cancel any order over thirty days ". I sent a fifth email pointing out that I attempted to communicate with them prior and was never informed of this policy. They only cancelled it minutes after I inquired about an eta on the 21st.

They also said it was now in stock and I could reorder it at the new higher price!

I asked them to just honor the order. In all cases I was polite and wished only to complete the business transaction as agreed too. I didn't ask for anything else. I haven't received any response at all from them. Nice and sleazy does it!


"I hope that my contact info helped"

It did indeed.

On my third call I asked for and got to speak with a supervisor who resolved things satisfactorily.
Looks like ImportCDs may soon be out of business, given that Amazon just pulled out of California over the sales-tax issue. Too bad, I always had good experiences with them.
How did you end up getting a hold of them - email or phone? Glad that it got resolved for you and I hope that my contact info helped. I have received multiple orders from them with very prompt service and no issues.
Got through to a supervisor at ImportCDs who took care of everything. A relief to have that all straightened out.

Update on ImportCDs: I tried calling # & emailing the email address @

Result: No answers & no replies to emails.

..what a way to run a business.
If you'd like to try to reach them by phone, I found their location from their Amazon listing and they have a website with full contact information including toll free phone numbers. Their company's website contact information page is:
I used them once and received the completely wrong item! However, it was a selection I would have ordered down the road so I kept it.
I have also bought from Import CDs numerous times, (through Amazon only) and have never had a problem.

I have always received excellent service and product.
I have used ImportCd's numerous times, probably at least over 50 times. However, I always buy their stuff through Amazon, and have never once had a problem with them. When I pay thruough Amazon it is with a credit card on file there. Ska man gave you good advice, always use a credit card. Thru Amazon, they will also help you if there's a problem, but you must contact the seller first.
I had a similar situation with them, about 6 months ago.
They never responded to any of my numerous emails.
In the end they did issue a credit. It just showed up on my credit card statement 2 or 3 months later. If you paid by credit card, contact the card issuer. They may be able to help you. Good luck!
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