New Audiogon equipment search format.

This new equipment search format is awful! What in the world were you thinking?
The old format is back,  thank god. To activate click on little box upper right hand corner of screen - selects either Classic or Panel screen.  

In my communications with Audiogon Staff they said they are trying the new "panel " look to attract an younger and more visually stimulated crowd.  

Good Listening 

Going to lower the tone considerably now but the only thing the "peep holes" reminded me of were something a younger crowd are definitely not going to be aware of....
Quick pass me another dollar...…..
Thanks for providing the Classic view. So much easier to browse through the different categories.  
I’m still seeing peepholes! What gives?

Clock is ticking, guys. If you don’t care, then I don’t care. If I don’t care, I just won’t come back. You decide. But seriously, peepholes? How ridiculous. Please fire whatever genius came up with that idea.