New batch of Albert Porter's cryo treated Hubbells

I have been talking to Albert Porter about geting another batch of the cryo treated Hubbells. He would need 50 of the outlets to do the run. Therefore, we'll need commitments from people who want cyroed outlets, so we total a minimum of the 50 he needs. The outlets should be around the same price as before ($35-$36). The money would have to be paid in advance, as before, and a cut off date set. I currently have four outlets and would like at least four more for myself. I do know Albert has had other interest in the, but I don't know how many. So let's hear from anybody interested in the outlets and how many you're interested in. These are an excellent investment. It was a significant upgrade to my system. Thanks.
Thanks Albert,
This is the first step on wiring my new listening room. I am about to put the roof on this week and will get to wiring next. Now to figure out where to put them.
Arnie, Stephen and the others at Audiogon. Thanks for supporting us in this venture. Without your help, we would have never achieved the numbers necessary to get these discounts.
I just intalled mine lastnight. There is an immediate improvement in detail and grunge removal. Not sure how much of it is contributed to the plug and how much is contributed to me cutting off the corroded ends of the in-wall wiring, but the improvement is immediately noticeable without burin-in.
My Hubbells arrived on the 16th. Will be installing it on my Turntable circuit early next week. Thank you very much for putting yourself out there for everyone and doing this for us. You truly are a gentleman.
Polycarbonate or Nylon to 300 below zero?
I'd like to read up on cyrogentically treating electrical connectors.
The Hubbell outlets arrived late today from cryo treatment.

It's about 3:00 PM Central time, I hope to have them packed, labeled and shipped Tuesday and Wednesday.
Likewise. Thanks for taking the time out of your schedule to do all of us this big favor, Albert.
Albert,thanks for all your hard work again on this new batch of outlets. Your the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Late this afternoon, Monday the 20th, the electrical distributor here in Dallas received our shipment from Hubbell. I plan on picking them up tomorrow and hopefully will be able to ship for cryo that same afternoon.

When they return, I will ship to everyone as quick as I can pack and label them.
Today, Saturday the 12th, we arrived at 50 pieces spoken and paid for.

There are a couple of checks confirmed and already in the mail, so I will wait through next week for those to arrive. Anyone wishing to participate must notify me immediately. I am ending this and following through for those who have committed.
Hey Albert!
I sent a check this am. for 4 outlets. It's probably overkill, but hey, my system may just grow.
I received payment from three additional members today bringing the total to 42 Hubbell outlets. Anyone wishing to participate should act before we reach the 50 required pieces.

I will NOT be able to add to this order once it is closed out. This is special order from Hubbell, requiring a week minimum to fill.
I received Znak_m's email for four outlets. When payment arrives we will be confirmed for 38 cryo treated units. Interested parties should respond soon.

I have not cashed any of the checks or money orders. If this fails to meet minimum order needed, I will return 100% all payments via first class mail at my expense.
Docjr8156, I sent you instructions via Audiogon email system. Thanks to you and everyone supporting this group purchase. Audiogon has been very accommodating in allowing this open forum and discount purchase.

What does everyone think about our purchasing a few extra cryo treated outlets for their systems? Certainly they have done as much work as I have in keeping this thing alive.
Ehart, two of these serves equally well as a quad outlet and fits into a standard two gang electrical box.

I have confirmed orders for 32, we are getting close.
I am interested also. Is it possible to get 4-outlet versions instead of 2-outlet versions?
If I had too, could probably order a couple more if needed. Keep me informed, since I am not that far from Albert. Charlie
Well, I have been communicating with Albert on these. I just started building my listening room over the garage. I have the first floor about done. I won't be ready to wire until summer, but had planned on getting 2 from Albert. I may go as many as 4, although I don't know if I need that many.
The thread shows interest in 25 total. We need 25 more to make this happen. Albert is doing folks a huge favor here. There must be a need for 25 more outlets out there. Even if you are not using dedicated lines, your power will still benefit from this cheap upgrade.
I just wanted to post an Update. We have not had any cofirmed sales yet. We do have several verbal committments but nothing final, since Albert needs the money up front. We need at least 50 to do this. Come on people, these are AWESOME outlets; let's get the 50 and DO this!! Albert is doing this for us, as he does not need any more outlets. We need to take advantage of this. This quality outlet with the cryo treatment would cost a lot more than $36 anywhere else. I've experimented with numerous outlets and this by far is the best value. Come on, let's get together and get 50 (I'm getting 4 so we just need 46 more!). Let's get them. Thanks Brian
For those who wish to participate and need instructions, click on my name "Albertporter" at the end of my post and follow Audiogon instructions.

You may also email me direct at:
At noon today, I responded to email messages that showed interest in being part of this group purchase.

If you did not receive my email and want any of the outlets please respond to me by email.

The price is the same as before, $36.00 plus shipping. If enough don't participate, I will be forced to return payments. The first run was sparked by the topic "Albertporter only needs 50."

This link may help Audiogoners who missed the October discussions on this topic:
Guys, take it from someone who ordered the first time around. Don't order one! Order two, or more.