Please Read and express your feelings and opinions....

I noticed  that lately or maybe for the last five yrs, there is so much arguments,name calling, attacking cables , speakers , components makers and more, more of disagreement with members, even Audio dealers are being attack here...Very few know how to apologize when they are wrong.What can we do as Audiogon members to improve our communication to each other? How to give the informations, recommendation to members who need it? This is without involving Audiogon, any opinion or ideas ,  For me this is fun and place to learn in audio...thank you all

Showing 4 responses by trelja

@jayctoy thank you for initiating this thread.

As someone who's been on this forum since it began almost 20 years ago, I've noticed a lot of the recent conversation to have degraded significantly.  Call out whatever thread you will as an example, it's valid.

What I'm struggling with personally is living my entire life a staunch defender of free speech and the exchange of ideas even to the point of argument now in conflict with the same folks (and they are on BOTH sides of the fence) showing up again and again and again and again to truly ruin this environment for everyone while adding almost nothing to the discussions
I never believed I could reach this point, but given how many threads get ruined by a handful of people, I would consider some sort of ability to prevent them from further participation in a thread once they pass a certain threshold.  Maybe something along the lines of a 3 strikes and you're out thing in terms of warnings, behavior, etc.?

As an example, the fuse threads devolve into some repeating the same point again and again and again and again, name calling, and overall chaos where the thread itself loses all value to most people.  And that's from people on BOTH sides of the issue.  Removing posts has been of limited value in my opinion.  If instead a member can no longer insert themselves into the thread, perhaps things would improve
@erik_squires "In my day job about half of what I do is this, translating between software developers, reliability engineers and business people so that the teams are fully engaged and unblocked."

Tom Smykowski would feel proud