Please Read and express your feelings and opinions....

I noticed  that lately or maybe for the last five yrs, there is so much arguments,name calling, attacking cables , speakers , components makers and more, more of disagreement with members, even Audio dealers are being attack here...Very few know how to apologize when they are wrong.What can we do as Audiogon members to improve our communication to each other? How to give the informations, recommendation to members who need it? This is without involving Audiogon, any opinion or ideas ,  For me this is fun and place to learn in audio...thank you all
I'm not saying that soundstaging isn't important, only that the specifics of things like moderate variations in stage height aren't.  Does it sound like 15' or 20' ceilings?  If one stereo component makes it sound like 25' while another makes it sound like 20', does it really matter?  As long as you've got a plausible sounding soundstage that isn't interfering with the experience it doesn't.  Hardly anybody is likely to know what the real height was anyway. 
Additional "code behind" logic


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<userid> Post removed Date/Time by OP
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I never believed I could reach this point, but given how many threads get ruined by a handful of people, I would consider some sort of ability to prevent them from further participation in a thread once they pass a certain threshold.  Maybe something along the lines of a 3 strikes and you're out thing in terms of warnings, behavior, etc.?

As an example, the fuse threads devolve into some repeating the same point again and again and again and again, name calling, and overall chaos where the thread itself loses all value to most people.  And that's from people on BOTH sides of the issue.  Removing posts has been of limited value in my opinion.  If instead a member can no longer insert themselves into the thread, perhaps things would improve
As I have stated before, it is open game, and should be. Any postings not appreciated by others can be ignored. On the subject of soundstaging. Although soundstaging in a system is very important, it is not one of my top five or six most important characteristics. Tone, coherence, flat frequency response, top to bottom extension, prat, and dynamics are. Putting a system together would also include : black, quiet background ( lack of distortions ), including hum, hiss, unnatural echos and reverberations ( room acoustics ), minimal mechanical and acoustical vibrations or feedback. If a system fails in any of my top five or six, the soundstaging will not make up for what is lacking elsewhere. I want it all. I am quite pleased with my systems soundstaging.
Michael, I'm pretty sure I responded to that stupid statement of Geoff's, as well as citing examples of how it's synthesized. It seems to me we must have figured out how to measure those spacial attributes if we're creating devices and techniques that simulate them. My recording/production engineer friend has all kinds of tricks up his sleeve for adding depth, height, and width to mixes.