Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
I have a question. Have any of you guys ever had Mick put a switch on you preamps that allows it to invert phase? With so many LP's recorded out of phase, seems like a good thing to have.

Yes.......I know! You have to own one to understand isn't it? Wait 'til you roll them tubes (start at the rectifier if possible). Enjoy the ride!

hi guys,my Chardonney is breakin in nicely!!! I am amazed at how music now seems to fill the room,,so full sounding,ive been listening at lower volumes and am more than satisfied!! Amandarae,,it was worth the wait!!!!!!!!
That is good news! Glad to hear that you are good to go. Make sure you get out and expose your skin to sunlight every so often. I've had my Chenin for 5 months and the honeymoon is still going strong. I've just now started rolling tubes, starting with some NOS grey glass 6SN7's...
Thanks all for the advice. I emailed Mick and he suggested moving the Volume pot back to center as it had most likely shifted during transit. I did so and voila, working remote. Its now been two days and I absolutely love this work of art. I really couldn't stop spinning albums, I think I've already logged around fifteen hours or more, and it just keeps getting better. I'm still clicking the switches to find my favorite setting, but seeing as I haven't found one that sucks it's hard to determine. Well I'm off to fire her up,
He,he,he,he.......we know what you mean!

I am feeling you! Okay,okay, take a deep breath, and congratulate yourself. Now, let me ask you, "was the wait well worth it?" Nevermind. I already know the answer!

happy listening
GEEZ ,this preamp is going to ruin my social life,its fri.nite and i have no urge to go out,maybe i should go see a shrink,no,,then id have to leave the house,,
i posted this separately, but i guess i'll drop it in here since this thread is seeing some action:

i recently received my chardonnay, but i'm having difficulty teaching the supra remote's volume codes to my universal remote (home theater master mx-500). the mx-500 flashes "GOOD" so it says it has learned the codes, but when i try to use the mx-500 for volume control nothing happens. has anybody been successful in transferring the supra remote volume codes to another remote? thanks.
Welcome to the funhouse! Please keep your head and arms inside the car at all times. Enjoy the ride dude! You are in for some kind of fun. Try to leave your listening room long enough to take on nutrition (if you can }. Save the tube rolling till you get a couple of hundred hours on it. This thing just keeps getting better as it morphs...
Thanks Larry,Im listening to Kurt Elling right now,,WOW this preamp is really sounding good!the sound is starting to relax quite a bit,i find myself being drawn into the music emotionally ,i cant imagine how good it will sound in a week or with NOS tubes,,,,,PS ,ill say hello to Kurt for you,,Sade is next!!!
Hi Ray,
You might want to run your system with the CDP running 27/7 at low volume when it is not convenient to have the sound loud. It will greatly accelerate the break-in (not the phono stage) and you should have a good idea of what it will sound like by a week from this Sunday.
It will improve greatly. Then, you will have another large bump from rolling in some good NOS tubes.
Have fun this weekend and enjoy.....
Hello Larry,I was going to refrain from making any comments for a couple hundred hours,,,,,but i must admit im dying to talk,,the first few hours it sounded nice,but nothing special,sort of closed in,after around 8 hours i could hear it opening up,better focus,tighter,im still trying to decide which gain setting i prefer,right now i seem to prefer 1 notch down from the highest setting,still playing with it,my unit did not come with a power cord ,im using Signal Cable Magic power cord now,i will update as things progress,thanks
It will come......but it may never leave!!!!

Congrats to Mc5baby and Raytheprinter.

Larry,i never thought to call fedex myself,,thanks,i called and they had no record of my SS.with this done, i should recieve my Chard fri. at 10:30 am,,im sure at 10:00 ill be outside looking down the road for the fedex truck,,,,
Mc5baby, if you still have trouble with the tight volume control, it may be that the steel knob is touching the sides of the wood enclosure. You can remove the knob and recenter with an allen key. If that is not the issue, and it seems that something internal is awry, one potential fix is to seat the preamp facing up (so the volume knob is facing toward the ceiling, remove the volume knob and place a drop or two of oil into the mechanism). Of course you should check with Mick first to confirm if that would be an appropriate course of action. I expereinced similar stiffness with my input switch over time on my Supratek. I resolved it another way (had to resolder a new input switch I got from Mick), but the Tech who worked on the preamp for me (Nick Gowan from Truesound) had some positive results by just applying a dab of oil to the switch mechanism. Anyway, just a thought - again, no substitute for confirming with Mick on best way forward, but thought I'd share my experience, which has similar symptoms to yours.

If you have not already, call Fed Ex and check to make sure they have your Social Security number listed in their computer for your shipment. Don't wait until tomorrow, by then the trucks will be out and you will have to wait until Monday.
Even if Mick told you that he gave Fed Ex your SS#, double check on your own. Better safe than sorry.
according to fedex it should be delivered friday,,unless it gets hung up in customs,,,which im really hoping it wont,,,,it would be nice to have the whole weekend to play with it!
has your unit arrived yet?

How's that volume control? Have you moved it? is it any looser for you?
Fortunately I am in Australia so I don't need that, but thanks for the thought Larry!
It was supposed to be leaving today, so I really am hanging for it.
He's sending some NOS tubes with it as a thanks for something I sent him he liked for his vinyl.
Will be interesting to see what they are!I'll post up details and ovservations in the tube-rolling thread when it gets to that.

For now
Please do remember to give Mick your SS# and remind him (the night before he ships one more time) to include it with the Fed Ex paperwork or you will have delays in shipping. The units will get held up in Customs if Fed Ex does not have your Social Security number.
Let us know when you have it in hand and how you like it.
My Sauvignon is due next week (It's finished!). Can't wait either....
I'm just dying to hear what the Sauvignon / Atma-sphere M60 combo sounds like!

I'll second that (or third, whatever) on the separate tube rolling thread.
I got it, it works ,it's beautiful, But and there is always a but, the volume is really really really tight, like so tight I don't want to turn it, I have the optional remote volume installed and that doesn't seem to work. Anybody have this problem?
Guidocorona,send Mick an email or give him a phone call,contact info is on the website,,
I went to the Supratek site at:
hoping to find information and pricing on options available for the Supratek preamps, namely internal electronics options, and external finishes.
Unfortunately I found no such info. Does it exist at all on the Internet, or do I need to contact Supratek directly?
Question about the WE 350B used as a regulator in Supratek preamps. A lot of people have commented on improved base response. I am curious to know if anyone has tried to measure the enhanced freq response. I particular would that be the lowest octave from 20-40hz, the middle octave from 40-80hz, or the upper octave from 80-160hz. Most pop, jazz and rock doesn't contain much below 40hz except for ambient venue noise and note decay. Guitar goes roughly from 80-980hz. Kettle drums reproduce the 80-160hz range. Acoustic and electric bass guitar and the harp are the only string instruments I can think of that are present in the 40-80hz octave.

Anyway if any WE350B users can give me feedback i'd appreciate it greatly.
Mc5baby,sorry to hear about the delay,,,,,,,,also i think your idea for a seperate thread for tube rolling only is great,!!sure would simplify things!! hey Slipknot,,,1759 !!
Slowhand >>Thanks, I would love to know what you think of it. What finish did you get?<<

Sheoak/chrome with a tweaked phono section and some other goodies.
I had to throw this post in: The "Building TTs Cheap at Home Despot" thread has 1757 posts, this one has 1757 posts, now THIS ONE has 1758....
Good deal Mc5baby! It sounds great out of the box, but get a couple of hundred hours on it before rolling tubes. I've had mine since late november, and it is still getting better. The phono stage in the Chenin is world class IMHO.
What a ninny! I was given the wrong info this morning and yes Slipknot they did need MY SSN! Now it's just a matter of hours. I can hardly stand it.

Thanks, I would love to know what you think of it. What finish did you get?
Thanks Slipknot,
I spoke with Fedex and looks like they need Micks business tax ID number. I emailed Mick and let him know, now it's back to the waiting game. I thought I was done with that! I guess a day or two more won't kill me.
Now on to tubes; since everybody, or just about, has been rolling NOS tubes perhaps we might benefit from a Supratek Tube Rolling thread specific to our new Pre and Amps. This thread is particularly tiresome to dig through though I am guilty of many rereadings. I guess I could start it and see what happens, huh? Looks like I answered my own thought. That is what I get for type-out-loud-thinking. Der.
Waiting for a Cabernet, but Mick says he's "behind, waiting for parts" Ordered in January, hopeful for a summer delivery.
Call FedEx in Memphis. it's stuck in Customs. Chances are they'll take your SS# over the phone and it will release by tomorrow AM. Then FedEx will follow up with a bill for the duty on it.
Hi Everybody,
My Chenin looks like it is stuck in Oakland for some reason. Fedex shows a Regulatory Angency Clearance Delay, any idea what that is? It is now 11:42 in the a.m. and the tracking says it was due to arrive by 10:30. I sent my social and phone numbers to MIck before shipping, but as of yet no one from Fedex has called, should I call them? Not that I slept on the couch to be closer to the door when they were supposed to deliver or anything. It's kinda like Santa got stopped at Immigration, and I the anxious child can do nothing but curse in anticipation. Any ideas or advice is more than welcome.
thanks all,

>>Has anyone recieved one of the New Cortese preamps with the new 3 stage all direct coupled phono stage?<<

My new Grange should arrive in a few weeks; I'll email you shortly thereafter with the scoop.
Hi Guys,

Has anyone recieved one of the New Cortese preamps with the new 3 stage all direct coupled phono stage? I have one on order from Mick, but I am dying to know what it sounds like. Mick says it is a huge leap ahead in sound for the phono stage.
Just let us know when you are ready to roll some tubes. I am sure the group can and will give you some ideas on tubes and sources.
Do scroll way back a bunch a read posts from Ecclectique, Jazzdude, Bwhite, and a few others. It will give you a primer on what tubes you might consider trying. It will also help pass the time and keep your mind off waiting for your pre to arrive.
I can tell you that the good NOS make all the difference in the world (esp. the 6sn7's).
Keep us posted.
Slipknot,i will email Mick Sunday ,,,i sure dont want to wait any longer than i have to!!thanks,boy,im sure looking forward to this!!!!!!!
Congratulations on the pending shipment! You are in for a fun ride! Try to to touch base with Mick Sunday night to ENSURE that your SS number is on those shipping documents. Otherwise, your Chard. is gonna sit in Anchorage customs.
thanks for the responses,my Chard. will ship out Mon.,, Hello Larry,thanks for the info,i sent my SS. to Mick twice,i will take your advice on breakin,,,im guessing that the Chard is going to be big improvement over my current pre,the choices of Nos tubes available seems overwelming to me,im sure when the time comes i can depend on you guys for advice,,thanks guys!
One other comment. Make sure that Mick gives your Social Security number to Fed Ex or they might hold the shipment for an extended period. I think Mick knows this by now, but just in case, make sure you have given Mick your SS and ask him to give it to Fed Ex when he drops off your pre-amp.
mine shipped on wednesday 3-23 and i picked it up from fedx on friday 3-25. the shipping is super fast. the build time is something else. :)
Mick shipped to me on a Monday and I had it in hand on Thursday afternoon.
Let us know when you receive it and have had a chance to give it a listen after a little break in.
Remember, it will get a whole lot better after some break-in and some NOS tubes after you have around 300 hours on it can do some real wonders as well.
I would suggest that you run your CD player 24/7 (lower volumes are fine) when not playing LP's. It will get you there much faster.
Good Luck,
thanks Bwhite,im in S.Fla.,,ive arranged to be off work the day its delivered,maybe ill arrange to pick it up at the Fedex building in town to save a few hours of waiting,,,hee hee
Outlier, the setup looks real cool and sexy! I wish I could do that to my Cabernet. Too bad I live in an active seismic zone....:(

Mick did some wonderful things to my Cabernet - now it is even more quiet and transparent than before. Write to the Man if you want to know more since I'm not a techie.
