Reduced analog posts and items for sale here?

What's going on?
Think volume is down in general. Part of it may be redesign related, part of it is likely that there is less audio forum and sales activity in the summer.
09-23-12: Roscoeiii
Think volume is down in general. Part of it may be redesign related, part of it is likely that there is less audio forum and sales activity in the summer.

Perhaps part of it, but I would say as much to do with this site's redesigned and IMO more complicated selling process. I have sold several items elsewhere over the past couple of months that I would have listed here, but it's just too much hassle now. That, and I've received phantom charges from I don't know how long ago that I don't believe I owe.
Yup. I do not buy or sell here anymore.
I also do not have as much TO buy or sell, but still itis the changes are not so great.
Since many no longer come to seaarch for stuff, they also do not post. I still do just because.
The vast majority of posts about this have been deleted.
So this one will also have a short life. I am sure.
The vast majority of posts about this have been deleted.
So this one will also have a short life. I am sure.
As soon as the moderators get to work Monday morning.
While this thread is still alive, where else are people going to buy and sell?
09-23-12: Ketchup
While this thread is still alive, where else are people going to buy and sell?
Audio Asylum, Audio Circle, Audio Karma.
Exactly what I was looking for. Where are people going elsewhere? From what I've seen from the above sites isn't speaking for the better, let alone the redesign here is, eh. Will revisit those sites again...
I went back to buying and selling on eBay. I still come here, like Elizabeth, to read the posts and browse through the (much reduced) offerings, but I haven't bought anything from postings here since the"new owners" took over. I don't trust any company that posts a discussion board and then engages in as much blatant censorship as these guys do.

I have the impression things are not going well. I have noticed many, many items being re-listed after being posted for 30 days. I think volumes are way off.
So, are the sites listed in this thread better? I think I was on at least one of them and was not impressed. Am a software engineer with web experience. Do you think there is a niche yet to be filed or a door open here?
My posts take 8 - 12 hours to appear so I assume this thread will be gone before this shows up and that's a good reason to not bother posting here. I've ha better luck selling on eBay - although I still buy here. Funny thing is that none of my recent purchases show up on my personal page.

Also, it is really tome consuming to get to the latest entries on long threads and I emailed the board suggesting that they put a shortcut button on the threads and got no reply.
Ebay charges 7% of the sale proceeds as ebay fees (apart from the listing fees) :-(

"I have noticed many, many items being re-listed after being posted for 30 days"

= recession

This is still the top site for buying and selling.
And for (constructive) forums.

Ebay would be my 2nd choice. AA is a waste of time.
Another is usaudiomart.
My last two sales were through the above mentioned sites. Surprisingly, to me anyway, I had both items listed here for a few days before listing at other sites.
It has to do with the new owners!

Since the redesign last December this site went down the drain!

It is not the recession, which hit 4 years ago.
Ebay charges 9%, plus listing fees and of course... PayPal.
The total after its all done is 12%.
I'm on CraigsList. FREE of charge. Local cash pickups period. Don't wanna taxman to strip my needy sales too.
no mo ebay papal agon or whatever.
Zmanastromy, You forget their own exchange rates by PayPal.
I keep dollars, euros and gbp's on my account for this reason. In E. Union we have common regulation such that bank ( money) transfer inside the Union are free of charge. The European Comittee obviously overlooked ebay and paypal practice. Their fees are never explained nor accounted for so one can not see nor check any of his payment. Very strange situation in Europe .
12% is absolute loot, no wonder these days it is hard to find good deals on ebay!!!
Vinylengine allows listings for free. good forum too. Otherwise I use ebay for buying. Havent sold anything lately, and havent listed a sale here for a while.
Thing is, if Audiogon were to go down the tubes, so would these forums, many of which fill a gap not covered by other discussion groups.
Yes, I hate to think of losing all of Almarg and others' accumulated excellent guidance to be found on these forums.
Is interesting that the new owners did not finish the migration with the new classifieds and the old forums. Is like a bad software migration I was told to carry out by our CTO in the same old / new website hybrid approach. The old site usually never gets upgraded and just looks unprofessional.
Some hacked accounts need to be cleaned up, but other than that I still like it here. Everybody has to eat, so I say give the place a break.
I'm w Mosin. You've got to be careful w scammers on every site but the selling fees on flea-bay are outrageous, not to mention the flat $19.95 shipping fees for items that arrive in a $5.00 USPS flat rate box.
It seems the number of users, posts and gear inventory continues to dwindle as I write this. What can we do besides revert the new part of the site?