SACD Going Mainstream?

Now that Sony is coming out with cheaper SACD units, such as the new DVD/SACD player and the 5-disc SACD changer I saw advertised on E-Bay for $699, does this mean that we may see a glut of new players from others such as NAD, Rotel, Adcom, etc.? Or are most companies leaning more toward the DVD-A format? If anyone has heard about any new SACD models, please share.
The only low-priced SACD players I've seen announced have been by Sony. I haven't seen many low-priced DVD-A players either. I have no real insight as to strategy, but it makes sense to me that Sony's introduction of the cheaper SACD player is hoped to be followed by some software providers putting material out in the SACD format -ie, Sony's priming the pump.
According to the May Stereophile, as of last January there were nine manufacturers with 11 different SACD players on the market. Sony and Marantz seem to be heading up the low cost units, with Sony expected in July to begin selling there SCD-CE775 player for $400. Pioneerhas it's DVD-X10 unit out for $2500 that plays both SACD and DVD-A.
Classe, cCS also have shown prototype SACD machines all based on the Sony top load system.
Panasonic, Toshiba, Denon and Yamaha still apear to be chasing DVD-A while EAD and Rotel are developing universal players.
Will the prices come down? you bet. Will they be targeted at the average consumer? I think so. Will SACD be avalible everywhere? it's now at Best Buy with prices under $25.00. SACD is here, it works, it sounds great, it's a winner.
The only low-priced SACD players I've seen announced have been by Sony. I haven't seen many low-priced DVD-A players either. I have no real insight as to strategy, but it makes sense to me that Sony's introduction of the cheaper SACD player is hoped to be followed by some software providers putting material out in the SACD format -ie, Sony's priming the pump.
The list price for sony sacd's has been lowered to 19.98 and is rumoured to keep falling,and have a lot more titles available.
From Las Vegas CES 2001 a list of SACD manufacturers can be found at:
Apex has announced a $299 SACD, DVD-A, HDCD player to be out this summer. I'll hold my judgment until I hear and touch one.

Philips, Sony's SACD partner, should be releasing more SACD players. There's only one Philips player right now. Philips tends to sell well in the bargain price range.

Sharp is selling a SACD player in Japan. I suspect lower priced SACD models from Sharp are coming--but I've not seen any announcements.

Pioneer sells one SACD model. I bet we'll see many more before Christmas.
Does anyone know how many SACD titles (approx.) are presently available? Thanks. Craig.
Hi Craig, I know at CES in January there were 235 titles. I've seen a ton this past month and more with projected release dates. The good news is it's not just reissue, there is alot from the high end studios too.
According to a British HiFi Magazine, Virgin Records is so pleased with the sales of it first SACD, Oldfield's Tubular Bells, that in the next couple months will release 25 of some of its top records in SACD. No mention which albums these would be, but Virgin Records represents the Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Tina Turner, Smashing Pumkins, Janet Jackson, Lenny Kravitz, Yanni, and John Lee Hooker---to name a few that come to mind.
Thanks for all of the info. It seems as if SACD hs truly arrived. That universal unit from Rotel looks interesting...
Metaphysics, yes, but there are multichannel SACDs already out and Sony and Phillips are releasing multichannel players (or have already done so). Ears is right, it looks like this may be the hook that Sony/Phillips will use to lure the masses into SACD and away, ultimately, from CDs. Tommart, I bought that Tubular Bells SACD and realized afterwards it wasn't anything I liked, but if its sales will encourage Virgin to release good stuff from its catalog, then my sacrifice has not been in vain!