Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming

I’ve found that the SQ of my red book CDs exceeds that of streaming using the identical recordings for comparison. (I’m not including hi res technology here.)
I would like to stop buying CDs, save money, and just stream, but I really find I enjoy the CDs more because of the better overall sonic performance.
 I stream with Chromecast Audio using  the same DAC (Schiit Gumby) as I play CDs through.
I’m wondering if others have had the same experience

Showing 6 responses by kalali

Results depend on the CD transport and the cables used. Chromecast Audio will sound better if you insert a reclocker inline with the DAC.  
“Another reclocker is the iFi SPDIF iPurifier which I own. “

Ditto. It actually makes the Chromecast Audio sound pretty darn close to Node2 using the same (non-MQA) outboard DAC and using the optical TOSLINK connectivity. The improvement using it with the Node2 is not as significant but still worth it. By the way, I’m using the optical cable Steve had recommended from Very reasonably priced and well made.
rvpiano, what reclocker did you get?

lowrider57, can you please share what LPS do you use with the ifi?

If the quality of the sound we hear was only based on which gear measured the best, we would all have Benchmark components in our systems. Every other manufacturer would close shop, certainly the ones with tube electronics. There's a lot more than just measurements that creates the emotional engagement that music brings to our lives.  
rvpiano, maybe I missed it but did you mention what CD player you have? Someone else had a similar experience as yours using an Esoteric K-05x player which is obviously difficult to match with most if not all streaming devices. It needs to be apple to apple comparison. 
sfcfran, your analogy while interesting is highly exaggerated and not completely accurate. Musical content just like other "data" is transmitted through packets and there are mechanisms along the path to ensure the integrity of the packets. Its not like a "wave" is traveling through air and going through wires and cables, etc. Also, in most if not all cases, satellite is not in play for music content transmissions but as a reference, many get suer high quality video content through the same path you described without even a single frame out of pace.
Sorry about the tangent.