The final solution to WAF problems / issues.

Blue Circle may of found a solution to all those male audiophiles that have WAF problems or issues. It is their new Music Pumps monoblock amplifiers and Music Purse preamp.
See the following link:
So he is, Esoxhntr, he even wanted to know, if the step up stage is induced by a dose of Sidenafil, figure that!
No, no, not possible....the purse is only a linestage, you'd need a step up stage if you wanted to use a pornograph. Your chief physician is clearly an audio ignoramus.
I wanted to order two dozen pairs to treat shoe-fetishists with, but our chief physician, who is Freudian, found the purse amp politically not correct and clearly pornographic. So what can you do....)-;
I had the things in my house for a couple of days, and they sound way better than not half bad. For the money they are killer (they have the same basic design as Blue Circle's AG gear - AWESOME). They warm up in about 2 minutes flat, drive difficult speaker loads, and render music extremely well. With a good input source a person could be very happy with these damned things, AND they peaked on the WIF (wife interest factor) meter very highly. I would like to see them teamed up with the Fuzzy Boy cables from the Montreal show...

I don't even want to mention the number of shoes my wife owns, but I couldn't get her to buy those.
I saw these at the NY show. If they don't sell out to the guys with WAF problems, at least they should appeal to the fetishists. They didn't sound half bad either.