Toploading CD transports recommendations

I am looking for a toploading transport, ideally not more than $1,000. Does such a thing exist? I am tired of failing CD drawers.
I just sold an April Music Stello transport, which was great. If you can find one, I recommend it. 

Though I also have a Musical Fidelity M1 CDT transport, and I think it sounds better than the Stello. It's slot loading.
While Jay’s Audio CDT2 MK2 is a great piece, it’s twice the price the OP wishes to spend at the moment ($1,000). 
If you can find a used Rega Apollo, they are nice players.  You might even be able to find a used Rega Saturn within your price range.

If you can find one in Canada it will be at the price level you indicated. 

Maybe you can find one one used.

I have used one for a few years. 
I have a Consonance Droplet 5.0 CD player. I paid $900 for it used. I never see them for sale. It is top loading, and continues to operate as designed. I also have an Oppo 105D, and it also works fine.

It is pretty rare to have a drawer fail actually.  The main advantage of a top-loader is the jitter reduction because the disk does not vibrate while spinning.  A good reclocker will reduce the jitter 100X more though.

I would recommend any OPPO followed by a Synchro-Mesh and good BNC coax cable.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

I have no experience with it so I can't specifically comment , but might be worth a look

Woo Audio top loader - link to a review and audio advisor - sales price $1200