Tweak you gotta try. Post your results...

Well I read some reviews about the new High Fidelity cables that were designed by the former owner of Virtual Dynamics. They seem to be using magnets as their claim to fame in their design.

I happened to have some rod type axially magnets that were about 3/8" in diameter and about 1" long. I installed 2 of them near the end of my speaker cables near the speakers. 2 sets are needed for each speaker wire left and right).They are installed so that the magnetism is pulling through the cable.

It is quite interesting, but I would like some others to try this and share their opinions before I comment.

I also added a set at the Amp end.These magnets cost about $3.39 each and you will need at least 4 of them or 8 if you want to try them also at the Amp end.

I bought mine from

Make sure you select USPS for about $4.95 shipping otherwise you will end up paying for UPS at about $13 for shipping.
128x128ozzy apologies are due. You did come in here with a DIY, and explain how to do it and where to purchase the items. One day I'll learn to read all the posts.
My Bad!!!!
Yes, I am serious. The email I received explains that they have a lot of money invested in the product. He wanted me to have Audiogon pull the posting or he would. Still a surprise that Audiogon hasn't pulled the posting.

Really though, my only point of posting this thread was to get feedback as to what others experience.

I myself feel that the magnets definitely do something , but I have noticed that the bass is not as pure sounding.
I guess that's where the R&B comes into place.
You're trying to make a profit off someone else's patent and you have the audacity to complain? Had you come in here with this post and shared your idea and how you went about a DIY all would have been good. Greed will catch up with you. I hope he does teach you a lesson.
Meaningless as in the efficiency gains in the conduction of signal thru wire? Is that your take away after reading the patent? Tom
Plenty of patents out there for meaningless products. I'll give him one for the spring loaded rca pin. I wonder how a pair of WBT's would compare, though. And also how his 'invention' would fare without the the spring loaded rca pin.
Mr. Shultz has presented to the world a public disclosure it's called a patent. Tom
When Mr. Shultz divulges exactly and specifically how his product works to improve the gear, he still won't have a leg to stand on against someone who has nothing but questions regarding his product. Looks like he doesn't want to be found out. Just what is proprietary about it?

I anm with OZZY on this!
Come on man- This is just a group of guys shooting the sh** about magnets. I don't think anyone is intentionally dispariging any , or infringing on any commercial product design. People talk about specific gear all the time in these forums. Taking legal action or even threatening it has a very unpleasant chilling effect. So please try to understand it for what it really is.
Received an odd email from Rick Shultz threatening legal action for my posting.
Come on, my posting was merely for us DIY tinkerers. There must be more to your design than a few dollars worth of magnets?
Don't hold your breath. I'm still waiting for a reply regarding my recruitment on another thread. Something about 'Associate Shill'. I took it to be a timely confession. Not surprisingly on topic.
" Meanwhile, I'm giving serious consideration to elevating you to Associate Troll."

I take that to mean challenging your nonsense is off topic and makes me a troll?

How much does the job pay?
Mapman wrote,

"Unfortunately, when it comes to Geoff specifically and his ideas and products, it just has not been worth it to me. The nonsense tends to greatly outweigh an dilute any value that might be there. The result is always a profoundly negative experience for me. But at least he has a sense of humor to go along with the nonsense, so he gets some points with me for that."

Mapman, I can certainly understand that Nervous Nellies just aren't going to be able to scramble on board the Machina Dynamica train. No skin off my nose, I'm not trying to set the world on fire, just trying to start a flame in a few hearts. Meanwhile, I'm giving serious consideration to elevating you to Associate Troll.

We have lots of magnets on fridge in kitchen adjacent to my family room with smaller system. Now I know why that sounds so good! I will be afraid to move them! :^)
Thats a win/win situation!
The magnets on my fridge holding my up shopping list, AND improving my sound! :)

That's a very good perspective to have! I feel the same way.

Unfortunately, when it comes to Geoff specifically and his ideas and products, it just has not been worth it to me. The nonsense tends to greatly outweigh an dilute any value that might be there. The result is always a profoundly negative experience for me. But at least he has a sense of humor to go along with the nonsense, so he gets some points with me for that.
I land hear to see what's going on and sometimes come away
with an idea that's new to me or a crumble of a catalyst that
may start a fire of thought. I can get that light from
somebody that's new or old or even someone who's hear for
their own self promotion or even those who just seem to want
to spar. Tom
"Mapman, nice try but I don't sell magnets

You get points for that but you do sell other items that you tell people to apply out of signal path similarly, the more the merrier. So you lose the points back for that.

" I just want to help audiophiles out."

No comment except you are a commercial vendor, not a non-profit, so it is what it is.

I use magnets in the ac and dc signal path and where they are placed makes for a fantastic improvement. I also use magnets in other ways and with other materials that make for some marked improvements. Can't tell you what yet..and I am not sure why..but better has been the outcome. Keep on looking and careful and don't swallow them magnets and don't burn down the house. Tom
Mapman, nice try but I don't sell magnets. I just want to help audiophiles out.
"Magents don't channel RFI or EMI and they don't affect electron flow in the conductor...even if they did the music signal is not carried by electrons. If the magnets affected the electromagnetic wave that is the music signal wouldn't the magnet distort the wave? That seems more likely than "aligning the flow of electricity". The other problem with conventional theories how magnets might work is that magnets can often affect the sound when used on NON-AUDIO related objects - for example on refrigerators and refrigerator power cord plugs, TV screen, TV power cord plug, and many other non-audio Objects. So we have a kind of situation here in many cases where the audio signal is not being affected, directly or indirectly, yet the sound is improved. If you see what I mean."

I do see what Geoff means. In other words, you need to buy more more of his magnets for best results. Why? Because he says so. Its called marketing.
Oozy wrote,

"What is the purpose for the magnets? Do they align the flow of electricity? Or is it really distortion, I wonder?"

That's a really good question and I have a feeling nobody really knows. I'm pretty sure folks just accidentally stumble on this sort of thing or read about it on the internet somewhere and experiment.

Magents don't channel RFI or EMI and they don't affect electron flow in the conductor...even if they did the music signal is not carried by electrons. If the magnets affected the electromagnetic wave that is the music signal wouldn't the magnet distort the wave? That seems more likely than "aligning the flow of electricity". The other problem with conventional theories how magnets might work is that magnets can often affect the sound when used on NON-AUDIO related objects - for example on refrigerators and refrigerator power cord plugs, TV screen, TV power cord plug, and many other non-audio Objects. So we have a kind of situation here in many cases where the audio signal is not being affected, directly or indirectly, yet the sound is improved. If you see what I mean.
Thanks Tom for posting your experience. The replies to this posting did get a little wild and off subject.

The point of my original post was that I was trying to create a DIY version similar to the new High Fidelity cables that use magnets in their design. Other than the fact that the magnets High Fidelity cables use surround the wire, how much different can they be?

What is the purpose for the magnets? Do they align the flow of electricity? Or is it really distortion, I wonder?
Just cuttin up, trust me, I made note of this topic. I'm a lil skeptical but I have made note of it, just never know...
I've been using neodymium magnets for several years in a few applications and they do make for an improvement in sound.Tom
Don't go gettin you're wires crossed now:) Geoff is definitely not the master. Just ask him.
uh huh...I'm not the master, just the slave but even I know when the master has been drinkin a lil too much ;)
Mapman, ironically the power of the magnet has precious little to do with it. It's really the color of the magnet thst is the key. I routinely use those thin ceramic magnets and spray paint 'em, saving the much stronger neodymium jobs for, uh, special projects. The secret is knowing which colored magnets go where. "He who controls the mail controls information. " - Newman
My father used to run a scrap metal yard and had the best magnets ever. Big electromagnets that can pick up a car, like in a James Bond movie. NEver thought to try those with my stereo though! Hmmm.....
OH YEAH!! Great. I love a good fight:)

Hey! Just a second here. I know what you're up to! 10%, don't forget.
(For experimental purposes only) I get those nice little 3/4" ceramic disc magnets on the Internet. Cheapskates will love 'em as they're like 30 for 5 bucks or something. I've also been know to use neodymium magnets, 3/8" and 1/2" inch sizes.
did anyone try to use fridge magnets on amp chassis or other components? they're much cheaper and in some cases free.
Wait 'til you here the total absence of sound (apart from tape hiss) induced when you use powerful magnets on your pre-recorded tape collection :)
Heh heh is right. Wouldn't it be more fun though, not to have to laugh? Everything has it's place, however.
I get a lot of my colored magnets from Leeds, already. Different guy. Lol. One of my favorites is their little yellow magnet, the one for the door jamb. Blue for anything steel, red for aluminum. Heh heh
Enter Edward Leedskalnin. If anyone had a handle on the secrets of magnetism, it was him.

Here's a good 'Leed' for you Geoff. You may just come up with something but it'll probably take a little effort on your part. I expect 10% off the top:)
Earth already has a magnetic field that wires are running through. Why not more!!!!

Or should I be tweaking to counter effects of earth magnetic field on my sound?

I'm Geoffkait has an answer?

"I use magnets for a number of things - electronics chassis, power cord plug, transformer, pc boards, glass, wood. In fact, colored magnets have been de rigueur for many years. Heck, I even make products that incorporate colored magnets or ARE colored magnets. "

Why does this not surprise me?
I use magnets for a number of things - electronics chassis, power cord plug, transformer, pc boards, glass, wood. In fact, colored magnets have been de rigueur for many years. Heck, I even make products that incorporate colored magnets or ARE colored magnets.
Have I just entered the 'Twilight Zone',... again? I knew I did regarding my ordeal in hospital after a serious auto accident. But this is different.
The quartz crystals did work. I guess i did not write the comment well enough to allow for that.
I did the tweak as descrivbed over on Audio Asylum in tweak/DYI area.
I started with a few pounds and treated them, stuk them around in littel baggies.. Hey yeah. So i splurged on piles of them.
I have them all over the place on my powercords, outlets, AC stuff. The dielectric coating I used was automotive dielectric grease. whatever you do, the crystal bits must be coated with a barrier product.
Best to use in conjunction with a "Non Contact ACVoltage detector. Like a $22 GreenLee GT16
I meant you're right on the mark. How can it not be audiophilia. You have my sympathy on the crystal. Here's a little secret; everything you're trying to achieve with external tweaks can be actually had in 'perfect channel balance'. It's that simple. How you achieve it is up to the sources you trust to steer you in the right direction. It's just uncanny that virtually nobody cares about the most important issue surrounding the very goal we're all attempting to capture. Amazing.
Google Magnetic Damping of electric fields and go crazy...

Some have played with magnets on power cords to some effect. Good or bad depends a lot on luck though.
Not me..(yet) LOL.
I am thinking about it a little..
I would have to read more folks experience before i shell out $50 for a variety of magnets to play around with on my powercords though.

(since i DID blow $100 for 20 pounds of quartz crystal fragments to stick around my A/C I am not joking about magnets and AC lines..)