What is the best Beatle Song

What beatle song is your favorite? I will start with "Fixing a hole"
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#1: Across the Universe. Runner up: Sun King. Coincidentally they both offer verses in European languages.
A Day In The Life is somehow seen as as their defining moment perhaps but it is genuinely co-written,a rarity in their latter days.
They wrote a few decent ones didn't they?......I love the opening melody of You Never Give Me Your Money
I read a survey of composers once who were asked 'what is the best song ever written by anyone"
The most votes went to the Beatles "IN MY LIFE"
I do also support not only melody but music as well. I love "You Never Give Me Your Money"
How can anyone possibly pick just one??? Off the top of my head and just to be different, I'll cast a vote for Lennon's "Julia". Not so ambitious but beautiful and moving. (Although given the lack of collaboration it may not even qualify as a "Beatles song". . .)
Strawberry Fields For Ever surely is the most sophisticated and maybe the "best" song they did but I always find that different songs are my favourites in different moods. I think that was one of the Beatles' mysteries that they had something for everything and everytime in their oevre.
Do you know about the Japanese editings which are out since a couple of months? The audiophile difference to the "normal" CDs is inceredible.
I hate these type of questions. It's like asking me who my favorite group is or what my favorite record is. There are too many favorite songs of the Beatles to just pick one. So I'll list some of my favorites that haven't been mentioned.

You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
Norwegian Wood
Nowhere Man
She's Leaving Home
Got To Get You Into My Life
Eleanor Rigby
I'm Only Sleeping
Fool On The Hill
Hey Jude
I Should Have Known Better
Day Tripper
Ticket To Ride

I could keep going, but I'm afraid I'll list the entire catalog.
My one time favorite was "Paperback Writer" as I played it on an 8 track every time I drove my Camaro to English Lit for a whole year. Every time I hear it I'm transported back there.

Hard to pick a favorite today but I'll go with "Think For Yourself"
His dream of world peace was so wonderfully described in "Imagine", but that doesn't count in this "Beatle" contest!
blackbird. this song is particularly poignant when one recognizes the era in which it was written and the aim of its lyric.

CFB, I worry you will run into some thorny legal conflict with someone who does not like Blackbird.

Nice to see your cornfeedbutt back in the mix.

(with excuses, no respect, etc...)
I remain,
"While My Guitar Gently Weeps" and "Get Back" should be included in this thread.
All of the above. By the way, anybody know where one could buy the new Japanese CD pressings? I checked Amazon and CD Now and only items listed are from 1998.
Blackbird,Yesterday,In MY Life,Michelle...I can't pick just one.They all wrote too many classics.I was particularly partial to the Abbey Road album, but loved them all.Long Live the music of the Beatles.
Penny Lane...and for a delightful spin on the beatles try the Beatles CD performed by Cincinnatti Pops and the Kings Singers. Love it.
There aren't any. I know I should not send this one...
but what the hell.... I been crucified before....
A day in the life Only heard them live once. Was the best acoustic,and electric I ever heard live.
(01). Hey Jude
(02). Let It Be (I cannot believe that no one here has EVEN thought about this classic)
(03). I want to hold your hand
(04). I I Me Me I
(05). Get Back
(06). Twist and Shout

And that's just to name a few.
