What is the best Beatle Song

What beatle song is your favorite? I will start with "Fixing a hole"
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"A Hard Days Night" - a great song and the opening riff captured the energy and excitement perefctly.
Don't let me down
Long & Winding Road
Eleanor Rigby
She's Leaving Home
You've got to hide your love away
The night before
Things we said today

could go on & on here
ON A ( HDCD ) WOW!!!!!!!!!!
a day in the life
hey jude
i wanna hold your hand
in my life
all my lovin
and i love her
eleanor rigby
all you need is love
the fool on the hill
here comes the sun
while my guitar gently weeps
the long and winding road
"Rocky Raccoon" I know this is not a "great" song, but I always get a kick out listening to it.
That is what was so great about the beatles,there is not a best song because they are all "The Best".Each song is like a cell that makes up the body and that body was the Beatles.Long live their music!
Ausjoe, no burn intended, both of us having a bit of fun with one of the worlds most famous groups.

I too bought a fair number of Stones albums, but always preferred the Beatles. That being said, 40 years later I listen more to "The Doors" than ether of the other two.

Odd how time effects our musical tastes.
Albertporter I've aplied my burn salve and should heal nicely. Remember the "who's the greatest band" period between the Stones and Beatles. I would have voted for the Beatles but was always quicker to buy the Stones record. Probably cause You could hear/borrow the Beatles from your friends.
ouch. This brings back so many memories. How many of us found Rock-n-roll (sorry...but we did have a name for it...) and didn't frame it around The Beatles...?

I was living in Paris in 1980 and it was New Years' evening...midnight...and the mad dash up 'the hill' and a bunch of us English Speakers needed to sing:It was The Beatles, as we could all relate. Again, this was the year John Died. So sad...so amazing.
Ausjoe, this explains it all.

You should be through reading all you can, within a few seconds.

There is only one best - She's Leaving Home

Opinion doesn't come in to play here.
"While My Guitar Gently Weeps" -- the version on the "Anthology 3" album, with just George and his acoustic guitar could also qualify in the achingly beautiful thread.
Something (in the way she moves). It has drums, lead vocal, vocal chorus, and guitar solo.
The best recorded Beatle song with the closest to perfect focus is No Reply. Yesterday is the best Beatle song to cover for making money.Blackbird is the best Finger Pickin' Beatle song. And Your Bird Can Sing has the bench mark electric guitar solo.Yellow Submarine is the best Beatle song to lift ones spirits. Here Comes The Sun is the best beatle song to release endogenous endorphins.Wouldn't it be much easier to list the worst beatle song,there was one that YOKO took a stab at. No one can deny she was the BEST at what she did,whatever it was. She gets an A+ for improvement.
How about "Cheese and Onions" by the Rutles? Does that count?

I've played that for guests and it sometime takes more than just a few moments before everyone realizes they've been had.
Love Me Do

While reading this thread I had a vivid flashback of making Creepy Crawlers with "We Can Work It Out" playing in the background.
being a different sort of person, and prone to whimsy even (especially?) when faced with a serious sort of topic like this one, i humbly submit, after reading a number of excellent choices above, the one song that always comes to my mind when this question arises:
"her majesty."
Strawberry Fields,Hey Jude,Dig A Pony,,I cant do it,I cant pick just one.THEY ARE MY FAVORITE BAND!!!!
For me, "Ticket To Ride" changed everything in pop music forever. John Lennon's lyrics depicting his girlfriend and he living together (unheard of at that time in pop music), use of phrases like "..is bringing her down yeah..", etc., Ringo's kickass and intricate drum lines, Paul's unique guitar lead, whoa! Great tune and my favorite Beatles song. Or maybe....
I'm like most everybody---couldn't possibly pick just 1, or 10. For me some songs are just the music some are the arrangement and harmony and some the instrumentation.Many George songs are amongst my favs. I think Long Long started that and it hasn't been mentioned. I do 'Breakfast With the Beatles' just about every Sun. AM---Oh ya, I switch over to 'Meet the Beatles'. I wonder if these fm programs are on in other citys?
TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS - Blew me away at the age of thirteen and I have never been the same since. The sounds were not of my world and made me hunger for knowledge of those wondrous and exotic worlds not yet revealed to me. Thus my entry into the realm of exploration and collection of MUSIC. The only insturment I play is the stereo but with a collection (mostly vinyl) numbering 6,000 plus I can travel and experience so much. It all began with TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS.
All great songs.I can't believe that when asked this question to Harry Connick jr.his reply was that the Beatles were not music.I don't want to start a anti HCJr campain but who the h--- is he to make that statement.Even Frank loved the Beatles songs and recorded some and that is his idol.I have never listen to anything he ever said or sang again.
And Your Bird Can Sing, especially the part where they sing, "You tell me that you've heard every sound there is.." That line alone, in and of itself defined the music of the Beatles front to back and top to bottom
Wow. I have been surfing this site for a couple of hours. Then I found this thread. I am just sitting here, lots of smiles.

I was living in Paris on the day that John was shot. the whole City cried, especially on the Left Bank. I had never seen a whole City cry before.

Thanks folks, time to go play some Beatles.
Paul wrote that song in the 60's when the civil rights movement was at its height. Blackbird is kind of a symbol for a black woman.
I've always been partial to "Yesterday", although it may be more properly identified as a McCartney piece. Also on my list of favourite Beatles' tunes is "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"... 'cause its my name dammit and its the only Beatles tune my mom will admit to liking. Pathetic, I know. :-)

Could someone elaborate on what Cornfedboy was saying about 'Blackbird', cause that's another one I really like.
Everytime I listen to Jealous Guy I get goosebumps. Granted this was after the split, but Lenon really bares his inner feelings here. Listen to the lyrics. It took a lot to write this one. As far my favourite Beatles songs ... difficult to say. It really really depends on the mood I'm in and who I'm listening with. God its been YEARS since I've done a Beatles night.
They are all the best. Each time of day may present a different outlook and hence a more poignant Beatles song..Tom
Jbullock: I find it absolutely amazing that songwriters as young as Lennon and McCartney were when they wrote "In My Life" could write lyrics that take on more and deeper meaning to me as I grow older. I would imagine that in Johnny Cash's case it would be especially poignant; I'll have to give it a listen. Thanks for bringing it up.
"In My Life"
For those that selected this one, you should hear Johnny Cash's version on his last album "The Man Comes Around". IMO, It's the best song on the album, which includes the grammy nominated "Hurt".
Man, this is a tough one!! I gotta agree with Tsgury, on "Long and Winding Road", a close second is "Let it Be" and even after the breakup, I still think of John as a Beatle, I gotta add "Imagine". god, I really miss that man...