Who is the best singer of the world ?

Hello guyz 
Tell me Dissertation Help here who is the best singer by your opinion ?
 Hey there! It's hard to say who is the best singer in the world because there are a lot of really good singers like Justin Timberlake, Eminem, Pink, and other guys. Also, if you need help with writing your papers you can apply to the web where you can buying term papers online  
Geez, people have mentioned so many great singers:
William Shatner, Kermit the Frog, William Hung, the Chipmunks, and more.  However, I think you guys have really missed the clear winner.  How many people remember the duo Barnes and Barnes?  Not ringing a bell?  How about the song Fish Heads?  You know....

Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads
fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!

Yep, great lyrics sung by a pair of amazing voices.  These peeps need serious comsideration for #1.  And if they don’t get that then every surely must think that their music is a big #2.....

I believe it was that blonde who sang "Happy birthday Mr. President".   Can't think of here name but I'd recognize her face.