Yamaha Amp Nostalgia

I remember the Yamaha C4 and M4 with some nostalgia, as they were beyond my high school student budget, and quite beautiful with their back lit power and speaker selector switches.

20 years later, they seem to be reasonably well bid on the used market, although the lamp lights are often burned out and not easy to replace, apparently.

So last week, I impulsively bought an M2, because it looked even more powerful and more interesting than the M4, and the one I found seemed to be in good shape with working lights.

There is not much info on the web - does anyone know anything about this amp?

Thank you.
I have stated several times on "Agon" that the Yamaha MX1(92-97) is the best sounding budget amp i've heard!
I bought an M4 in 1978. Used in my system for 14 years. Then used in a bedroom system for my son thru high school and then taken with to college. Now married 3 years, he still uses it in their apartment system. Currently house hunting, I assume it will be replaced once they're moved in and settled. 36 years and all the lights work and never missed a beat. Better knock on wood.
Funny I was just given a whole bunch of Yam gear by a neighbor who had it left behind but a friend who left the state. 2 M70 amps, C70 pre, CD, tuner, TT, ICS etc. Put the pre in my rack with my McIntosh MC250 for a nice vintage vibe. Its better than I expected. Clear, clean, on the warm side.
Reviewing this thread, I still have my M2 and continue to think this era of Yamaha components were particularly beautiful.

Sadly, the back lit switches are often dark, and even from across the room, repairs using LEDs do not look authentic or original to my eye.

Would anyone please know how to restore these gorgeous, glowing back lit switches to their original color and brightness?
I have a M-85 and a M-80,along with the matching pre-amps.I am thinking about grabbing a tube amp and an active crossover and try bi-amping my LaScalas.I love it loud,but want to see if the tubes will "air" out the soundstage.Overall the Yamaha power amps are incredible.
I have several M2's, including one I purchased new with a C2a in 1982. I found the MX830 cleaner sounding. I think I will try my Yamaha CDR-HD1500 directly into the MX830 (without preamp) and see what it sounds like.

I have gone to tubes with a Canary Audio CA-301 MkII, with Sophia Princess 300B and RCA 6SN7M tubes... very nice improvement over the Yamaha's.

But at the price of used Yamaha amps, they are a nice step in the audiophile food chain.
Does it sound "warmer" than the Levinson? I find Levinson gear to be a little dry.
As an update, I finally received and have tried the M2.

It sounds surprisingly good with my Tympanis.

Not the same transparency or "air" as my trusty Levinson 23.5, but for about 1/4 the value on the used market, I am very impressed.
Sit - indeed, the L65 were a baby L300 in sound and looks!, I passed thru various B&W models back then but never had the "fun factor" that the JBLs offered.

Flg - The L65s sound terrific mostly for rock and jazz. The 70 watts produced by the CR1020 seem about perfect for sound repro for these JBLs. I tried playing them at a higher volume with a 1000 Watt amp (740-960w at 4ohm)and they could not handle it even though they were the 3d set of speakers connected at the time. Quite good for what they are though. You gotta like the now retro look with the smoked glass tops. The crystal tweeter is special and 15" woofers really pound. Fun, CLASSIC stuff.
I have a CA-2010 inyegrated- beautiful to look at, beautiful to listen to as well. Very acceptable mc phono stage, of course not extreme in detail but compensates with its musicality and open relaxed sound. Greta engineering in these old pieces DC offset almost perfect when I tested it a few months ago. Gets a bit toasty though in class A mode. I had a CA-1000 as one of my first pieces years ago, but the 2010 is in a different league all together. Currently having my tech service a C4 to try out shortly.
Sit - JBL L65 was one of my favourite speakers at that time - I could never afford them (to pricey for a hungry student back then) but had great time with various ADS models as well as an ESS speaker. I heard the L65 with some McIntosh Integrateds of the time (MA5100, 6100 and 6200) - a very sought-after speaker far north of what the L100 could offer.
MX1000U, MX10000U, CR1020. I have enjoyed all 3 of these terrific amps. Sold the 10000 series gear some years ago. My MX1000U is paired with the CX1000U preamp, and the equalizer of that time AND CONTINUES TO PERFORM IN A BIG WAY, impressively driving 3 pairs of large McIntosh speakers. My CR1020 is in a 3d system I have in a home office and is wonderfully driving a pair of vintage JBL L65s (mint)at the moment. I'M A LONG-TIME VINTAGE YAMAHA FAN.
Now we have some nostalgia!

Flg2001, yes the A1 was a very interesting amp, and a beautiful design, too.

They are not easy to find in good condition and also very well bid on the used market.

Elevick, would you suspect the M2 would be Class A as well for the first few watts?
I remember owning a Yamaha A1 Integrated amp - it was a very sweet sounding amp - Pure Class A - and a very attractive design. It was a step up the usual Sansui/Marantz/SAE integrateds at that time. I also had the matching casste deck - it was great as well (Dolby C, green LEDs instead of VU Meters) - a honey!!
Cwlondon,the entire M series was class A rated for the first 10% or so. The 40-80 series may have been more mass produced with cheaper parts and mediocre circuit boards but they sounded great and had unbelievable amounts of power. Most of them had A/B/C speaker selectors and volume controls built in.

I loved modding this series.
I own Yamaha C-600 and C-800 amps, and they're the real .

Better with warm speaker..

Really cheap on the used market too.
Yamaha used to make some really cool stuff...
I like vintage Yamaha amps too. while i do not have an M2 or any of its cousins, I do own a CA-2010 from the 1977 era. Pix posted in my bedroom system. Gorgeous amp with VU meters. Not meant to drive a hard load & it seems that, back in those, days hard-to-drive speakers did not exist or were very uncommon.

Interesting you mention those amps - I thought only the B2, M4 and M2 were the real deal, and the ones you mention were all more mass produced.
The entire M series can hold its own against anything, M35,40, 45, 60 & 80 are all amazing.
This thread makes me yearn for my old Sansui B-2101 amp. What a beast that was for me back in the late 80s with a power meter similar to the Yamaha's.
If I recall, driving low impedance loads was a Yamaha selling point back then.
The C6 and M4 were tested in HIFI Choice in issue 25 in 1981. That amp worked well with low impedance loads, one channel driven it produced 149/248/343 at 8,4 and 2 Ohms. The downside was the it had an "Average" sound rating despite a very good technical performance. So a mixed bag, " no loudspeaker matching problems" but " somewhat untidy and tending to sound aggressive when loud. --some brittleness--midrange muddling --less than firm bass." But the results were inconsistent among panel members so the reader was advised to listen for himself. Hope this is some help, I couldn't find one on the M2.
Yes, I found that link, too.

Nice photo, but doesn't say much.

There seems to be some debate about whether or not this amp works with lower impedance loads, amoung other things.