Soundproof material for a dedicated room

I'm thinking of converting one of my rooms to dedicated audio room. Since it's a condo and there are neighbours to the side of me on 2 sides, I'm trying to figure out what I could put on the walls to prevent the sound going next door. Can I get away with just gluing something on the walls or would it help if I built a wall on top of the existing one and put something inbetween. Looking for something that won't break the bank, but also something that is effective. Waf is non-issue. What soundproof product or materials would you guys recommend?

Thank you all for your inputs
Green glue between 2 levels of dry wall works well. A separate wall, decoupled from the first is an excellent idea as long as you do not triple leaf. Go to the website for The Sound Proofing Company and read their explanations in Sound Proofing 101. As Microstrip said, it is a complicated issue and many of the simple solutions (insulation between studs) really do not work very well, especially for bass.
I 2nd the green glue recommendation. I used to manage real estate and had a few tenants that used it with great success. It was a very cost effective solution. They suggest using 3 tubes per 4x8 sheet of 1/2 or preferably 5/8" thick drywall with lots of screws...basically sandwiching a new piece of sheetrock over the old wall with green glue between them to form a soundproof barrier. I think the website was of testimonials on their website. I have no affiliation with the company whatsoever, it just worked out very well in the applications that I used it in...
Most of the above suggestions will help; but only help. In order to truly soundproof a room you have to build a "room inside a room"; IOW, isolate the source of the sound as much as possible. This is what recording studios do, and there is a lot of info available on line on the subject. If that is not possible, the most effective way to "help" is mass, mass, and more mass. The green glue/sheetrock suggestion is a good one. Then make sure all doors are of solid construction, and seal very well.
My apartment is beside the highway, and it gets intrusive and times. I can't concentrate on things. My neighbours recommended to me a noise screen, I was skeptical at first but it really worked. It is made out of this noise barrier material. They is a support and blog site, which was really useful to help me set-up my soundproofing solution.