Best amp to drive B&W N805's

I believe I've narrowed it down to two, the Magnum Dynalab MD208 (100wpc) and the Plinius 8200 (original version, 175 wpc). I'm leaning towards the MD208 but I am somewhat concerned if 100 wpc will drive the 805's to the levels that I sometimes listen to. Thanks in advance for any input.
With its peak current output of 30 amps and high damping factor Magnum Dynalab can easily handle ANY speaker load, including b@W 805's! With MD 208 you also get the world class tuner. Get 208 and don't look back! Good Luck!
I had good success with Musical Fidelity's original A3cr pre and power combo, though it was driving the much cheaper B&W 602 bookshelves. The Musical Fidelity top-end is smooth and grain-free, which makes it a good match with the metal dome tweeters of B&W. The 602s can sound harsh on other amplification. Bi-amp with two if you really want to make those 805s sing. You will be surprised how much bass they can output given enough clean power. Properly driven, even small B&Ws have shattering dynamics.

PS Audio's new HCA-2 could also work well. Though rated rougly the same power, it seems to have higher peak current for driving reticent loudspeakers such as Magnepan.
My friend own a the N805 He runs then with sa 100
plinius, its sounds so musical,he also use sony 9000 es
but of course at the end its your choice,remember
plinius products are excellent.