Tube Preamps under $10k with deep bass extension

I'm still goofing around looking for a good tube preamp. I'd like to hear from those who have auditioned some tube preamps on systems capable of 20hz. I auditioned a hovland HP 100 that had fantastic midrange but seemed to be missing a little bit of the lower octave. I'm new to the tube preamp arena and am unaware of which ones can make 20hz and which cannot. I've had some good responses to previous posts which have got me interested in Supratek, McIntosh, and CAT preamps. I also noticed some tube ringing at higher levels. Is this something I should expect or not?
CAT Ultimate will certainly go down to 20hz, but so will
the Audible Illusions Modulus III. Modulus III has better bass than the IIIa. I have the CAT and would certainly take it over the Audible Illusions, but the AI ain't bad. If you are primarily concerned with the bass however, you could take the AI and save a lot of money. You are right about the Hovland. I would say that it is missing the whole first octave, not just a part of it.

I will be getting a First Sound Presence Audio Deluxe Mk II 4.0 with dual power supplies next week. I believe that this unit is the same as the First Sound Paramount minus the volume control upgrade to Vishay resistors, some few internal wiring and component changes, gold front panel and gold knobs, so it should represent some of the best sound coming from this line. According to people in the know, even the ordinary Presence Audio Deluxe Mk II is stunning in its ability to provide dynamics and bass. I would expect from the overbuilt nature of the power supplies coming with the Deluxe 4.0 Mk II, that the bass and dynamics would be taken to another level. Since I intend to keep my CAT, I can finally provide a comparison between these two sometime late next week if anyone is interested.
i can see here the very wide meaning of phrase "under $10k" here especially for AI $1500 new?
there is also minimalistic AE3 that has the same level of performance at more less than half price AI but with smaller volume range and certainly gain(just 6dB), but the conversation here is to much higher levels of performance where preamp for the money spend should not bring neither brightness or dullness.
no comment about CAT though and that might be the the last one!
WIll be very interested in your findings, Rayhall. By the way, two tweaks for the First Sound that pay off handsomely: Siemens Gold Pin 7308 tubes (a little hard to find) and the Shunyata Taipan power cord.
I find the AI III to be underrated, even though it is considered to be an overachiever for its price. Of course, tube matching is important as well as overall system synergy, but I find that in several systems where I have heard it, it didn't suffer to a very significant degree to some highly regarded and some very expensive preamps. Dynamics and bass were outstanding. Neutrality was excellent. I find the AI to be neither bright nor dull. It lacked a little of the sweetness and air around instruments, but you could do a lot worse and spend a lot more money, even $10K. I am happy to spend as little as possible, where possible, for equipment and keep the difference in my pocket instead of someone else's. I never judge equipment by what it costs. Generally, I have not found cost to correlate all that well with the sound quality.

Didn't know about the Siemens 7308's. I do have an NOS pair of Siemens E88CC's lying around which didn't do much for the CAT. I like Telefunken E88CC's in the CAT, by the way. I do have a pair of NOS Tele 7308's, which I will try in the First Sound. They are a no no in the CAT. I have been searching the web and did run across several people saying the Shunyata Taipan works well with the F.S. Anyone got any to lend? I need two. I am broke! Really!