Replacing Sovtek 6922 for NOS

I have the Logos, the newest hybrid amplifier from Pathos Acoustics. The original tubes are Sovtek 6922. Any good? I suppose I could get a much better overall sound if I upgrade to NOS tubes within the ECC88/6DJ8 family. Amperex (BBoy) and Mullard seem to be very good. But I really would like to know which are your preferences. Thanks. tgm
Siemens 6922 - yes ben, you could say thin in the midband, like swapping your speaker drivers from paper+silk to ceramic+titanium. However they sound clear and strident and their direct attribute draws you deep into the music, holding the tonal nuance ever so well. Their bass rocks when asked for, remaining polite and controlled otherwise. I like them for the Goldberg variations, however the Brimars win on all vintage sounds.
In my Blue Circle preamp, I tried a few different tubes.

The Sovteks seemed kind of rich, but lacked resolution and sounded a bit fuzzy.

The Philips JAN tubes had good clarity, but lacked warmth.

I wanted a bit more warmth and richness, so I was told to stay away from Siemens, as their forte is clarity as opposed to warmth.

I tried Valvo 7308, and they seem to offer the best of both worlds since I plugged them in. Great clarity, but more of the richness I was looking for.