SACD VS Vinyl for Jazz and Classical

Well, I've been thinking of getting into vinyl for a while now but still haven't done it. I'm generally rather selective about my SACD purchases and only have about 25-30SACD recordings now although I plan to order a lot more as more and more reissues come out. I listen to mostly jazz and getting into classical a lot more. So before I buy any more SACD reissues of classic jazz and classical recordings, which seems to be available as new vinyl albeit at a much higher price, I was wondering if I should get into vinyl and purchase the vinyl versions instead if it's going to sound better and more like real music.

I know this topic has been discussed to death. But in my situation, where I have no LP collection but also not a substantial digital collection either, and the majority of my purchases will be reissues, will there be enough new vinyl available? Again, because of high costs I do tend to be selective. On another note, do LP version popular music such as Alicia Keys and Diana Krall sound better than its CD and SACD versions?
I was in the same boat about year and a half ago. Do I continue to buy classical reissues on SACD or go for the vinyl? I think both SACD and vinyl are an "itch" that needs to be scratched. Every audiophile seems to need to try them at least once in his or her life, then draw their own conclusion as to the viability of the format for that person. Each person is unique in that regard.

I tried SACD. But then realized I could not only buy classical reissues on vinyl (if I so wanted them at $30+ a pop), but also tap a vast potential of half a century of existing releases (ncluding original pressings) and new recordings. And with the exception of new classical recordings, you can find lots of new music on vinyl. I'm currently enjoying lots of heavy metal, death metal, black metal, symphonic metal, prog metal, industrial, hardcore, metalcore, trash, speed. And some of this stuff isn't available on CD. None of it is available on SACD. Plus I have access to lots of $1 used classical LPs in VG and NM condition. I still plan to expand my SACD collection with new classical recordings at some point. But lately I'm too entralled with vinyl to care.

Yeah, you can get great sonics with LP. But have of the fun is rediscovering your love of music, music collections, and just plain having barrels of fun exploring new (to you) stuff. I just get more mileage out of my vinyl front end than I ever could with my SACD one.

and the majority of my purchases will be reissues, will there be enough new vinyl available?

FWIW, I imagine vinyl will outlast SACD as a niche audiophile format. So you should be OK. But for a quick "acid test" you can try browsing the vinyl catalogs at the unsual audiophile mailorder haunts, e.g., acoustic sounds, music direct, red trumpet, elusive disc, etc. Only you can see if what is available is enough for you.

Plus you'll have to see how you and the drawbacks get along. Cleaning, adjustments, dealing with surface noise, flipping the record over every 20 minutes. You get the idea. IF you're only in vinyl for maximum sound quality for a handful of recordings, you may end up with a very high-end rig. Sure the records run $30 each (often $50+ for 45rpm versions). But you may end up with $6000 in hardware to play 60 records. And that's $100 per record just in equipment costs. I might consider a Meitner CDSD/DCC2 in that case and enjoy redbook and SACD in "close to analog" fashion. That might be a better return on your money. That way you wouldn't have to split your focus and budget between two front ends.

But then you'd still have the little-guy-with-a-pitchfork on you right shoulder tells you fanciful tales of "how much better this would be if you were listening to vinyl rather than digital." As Howard Stern would put it, (paraphrased) "that's an equation from hell." Especially since you have no LPs right now.

To me vinyl needs to be about the music as much or even more than the sonics. YMMV. It's a tough call. Everyone's answer is going to be different on this one. And yes, the sonics are better. Oops did I just say that? My bad, LOL! I'm not helping. Bad Aroc. Bad! ;-)

Good luck!

Well I'm not selling my SACD player or anything. But there are few good reasons for me to want to get into vinyl.
1) There are quite a few jazz recordings that are on cd and vinyl but not yet on SACD (don't know if it'll ever be). Since I want to buy these anyways, I might as well buy the best version. Right now, at least for the music that I like, if I already own the cd version, I would seriously think about buying the SACD version if owners of two versions tell me that there is a difference. For many recordings that were first issued before the digital era, I feel the redbook version seems a bit dead and lacking the vinyl's naturalness and warmth. So I've been restraining myself from buying the redbook version in hopes that it'll be reissued on SACD, whether there ends up to be an improvement or not.

2)I've been thinking of upgrading my source for a while. But having a mid-priced SACD player, and not being able to afford the Emmlabs as of yet, there doesn't seem to be too many midpriced options that would be a significant setup at $3000 vs $3000 spent on a vinyl rig.

For some music, I listen to the performance and so sonics don't really matter. For others, sonics has a correlation with naturalness.

So basically, the idea, is that for material that are available in all 2 or 3 formats, I'll choose vinyl. But if it isn't on vinyl, it's not like I'll sweat it too much. But whether to get into vinyl in the first place vs saving up for a high end digital gear like the emmlabs is the question.
my take on this issue gents is simple,
vinyl is for true audiophiles.....and for people who actually listen to the whole side of an lp ...not 1 or 2 songs one side then pop another lp on the deck.
vinyl is always upgradeable....cart,tone arm, wires,etc

cd is just convient!!! eventually cd's are going to go away
and everything is going to become MULTI-MEDIA...
it has already began to happen with the incarnation of the IPOD......,
vinyl reissue jazz,blues, is available for 7.99 new sealed 120 grm from places like fantasy records...most 180 grm,are available for 12.99 and higher...classical stuff is also not hard to find especially at swap meets and such.

why would anybody want to spend 14-30 bucks on a format that is not selling to well...and will go away like mini discs......

general public always did and always will control the music

vinyl again is for true audiophiles.....yes its a pain in the tuhis...but it serves the music better and the intention of the artist.

i all the vinyl possible.....even the thrash hardcore black metal..etc

what ever puts a smile on your face at the end of the lp!!

my 2 cents worth!
I bought a turntable a few months ago pretty much for classical music. I know nothing much about classical music so am not about to find out the hard way ($15 a pop) which albums I like and which I do not. A 60 second sound-bite at does not help as it does with other types of music.

Vinyl in huge supply is very easy to find in my area at $1-$2 a pop in great condition and almost no one interested.

New vinyl...they can eat it at anything over $15 as far as I of the reasons I own so few SACD's!

As far as my turntable goes...picked-up a great used Linn Axis for $400 that sounds great.

Unfortunately, I think if you are interested in accoustic music--especially complex classical symphonic works--then you will need to go to vinyl to get the best sound. I have auditioned some of the best digital players (and own a couple) but they still sound congested, lacking in detail and tonality. If I can get it on vinyl that is what I prefer although I have a lot of duplicates for when I go portable.