What tattoo to get next?

Hi there,

I wanna get a tat that reflects my interest in music and/or all things audio. Probably get it done my left shoulder. I have several ideas already in mind..

- Cover of Elton John's "Live in Australia"
- Cover of Dire Straits "Brothers in Arms"
- Cover of Supertramp's "Even in the Quietest Moments"
- a Saxaphone
- An Oracle Delphi Mark V turntable (any help pointing me to pics on the web I can grab would be appreciated, didn't have much luck so far).

Anything else come to mind folks? Thanks, Jeff

The Lion on the Santana album.


second site has arrows each side page click and it scrolls
through a 100 album covers.Note the Dead album cover art it has all the elements life death music.
Get a tattoo that says "BOSE" everyone will recogonize it, and they will still be around when we are all gone to audio Heaven. :~)~
oops shouldhave read the responces first. Seems the 300B has allready been mentioned. As they say "great minds...."
if your a tube man would suggest the Telefunken Diamond logo stamped onto the bottom of their tubes
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