What tattoo to get next?

Hi there,

I wanna get a tat that reflects my interest in music and/or all things audio. Probably get it done my left shoulder. I have several ideas already in mind..

- Cover of Elton John's "Live in Australia"
- Cover of Dire Straits "Brothers in Arms"
- Cover of Supertramp's "Even in the Quietest Moments"
- a Saxaphone
- An Oracle Delphi Mark V turntable (any help pointing me to pics on the web I can grab would be appreciated, didn't have much luck so far).

Anything else come to mind folks? Thanks, Jeff
Get a tattoo that says "BOSE" everyone will recogonize it, and they will still be around when we are all gone to audio Heaven. :~)~
oops shouldhave read the responces first. Seems the 300B has allready been mentioned. As they say "great minds...."
if your a tube man would suggest the Telefunken Diamond logo stamped onto the bottom of their tubes
a friend of mine had a great suggestion,how about a set of mcintosh big blue meters.
If you like the blues, get a BB tatoo. Have each B tatooed on each buttock. Just don't bend over when you're undressed, or everyone will want to know who BoB is?
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