Urgent Help: Wire for dedicated lines???

The electrician just came to my house this morning and he said that running Romex wire in a conduit is against the code. So, what's wire should I use? Do you know any better wire than Romex that can run in the conduit?
Bob Bundus, there's something I don't understand about the homemade power cable. From what I understand the (+) and the (-) are twisted so that the interference cancels itself out. Now what is to be done with the ground cord? Use two wires and twist them separately too?
No there are not two grounds; the ground wire is simply twisted in the same spiral along with the hot & neutral conductors; all three conductors are contained in the same twist. That's the way that Mike VansEvers told me to do this; I didn't question or ask all about his reasoning, as he only mentioned this as an aside during a conversation regarding his AC cord products.
So if the twist of the wires is in the same direction then there's no common mode rejection, correct? Why twist them, then?

I'm not being argumentative here, just want to find the facts.
If you run it through a power conditioner, which all us Audiophiles do...right??, twisting the wire etc..should be a moot point.

I also don't see the point in twisting the hot, nuetral and ground together other than to keep them together. This is not a data cable and twisting it will not eliminate the hash noise off the AC or do anything to correct the PF.

Perhaps there is another reason for doing it?