Does Your Computer Sound Like a Jet Engine?????

Hey everybody. This thread is to inform everybody of a discovery I have made. I can now live in peace because my computer no longer sounds like a Jet Engine :) I changed my computer power supply and CPU fan with parts from I can't hear my computer anymore... Since my computer is in the same room as my stereo system I can now leave it on and listen to music too :)
PS I have no affiliation with
Out of curiosity, what OS are you "computer geeks" using on a daily basis with your souped up puters ? Us "audio geeks" wanna know : ) Sean
I just built a XP1700 w/1gig DDR, G-force Ti 200 and the Volcano CPU cooler that is the NOISIEST dam thing I ever heard!!! CPU and MB Run very cool though. The noise level is just unaceptable it might be ok stuck under under a mattress or something though....jeeezzz.

I found a website called for different reason. The inside of the case is going to get lined with their Beaver tail sound deadener. We'll see how much this helps in
a few days. Otherwise its a new fan for the CPU.

I'm currently using the new Windows XP Professional with Office XP Professional.
It is the bomb!
I was a hard core Linux user, but since administering Windows NT and 2000 Server pays the bills, I run the OSes as much as I can.

My main home rig (Athlon w/ cheetah) is running Windows 2000 Professional with Office 2000 SBE. Currently Windows 2000 is my OS of choice. (Been running NT-based OSes on the desktop since 3.51)

I have several other frankenstein lab machines, most which multiboot NT 4 ws/srv, 2000 pro/srv, and XP pro. Those are my "lab" PCs that I use for self-paced training in my basement. I own NT4 server, but the 2000 Server is the 120 day eval copy. Which isn't a problem since I use to to run Citrix MetaFrame, which has to be reinstalled every 35 days, anyway. FWIW, other than that, I'm legit.

I'd like to get a copy of Office XP mess around with. I hear nothing but Good Things(tm) about it!
I have several PC's at home as well. Two of the machines for me and wifey are running M.E. The older machines are running 98SE. Also have one machine running NT server 4.0 and IIS 4.0. No plans to run XP in the immediate future.