How many dancing audiophiles out there?

I don't mean that you dance when you listen..... well that may be ok too. I am curious if many or any of us dance in some organized venue, I have started recently and LOVE it. It allows me to mix two things I enjoy very much, women and music. In particular to those who are married, I strongly recommend doing it, your women will love you for it- more than you can imagine. Besides its a lot of fun!

I am learning west coast swing and find it quite enjoyable :o)
My wife and I love to dance the Hustle and Mambo,also even while we listen to the system she will say lets dance,why not it,s good exercise too.We also roller skate too,she is the much better skater and I just get around the rink without busting my behind.
I forgot to add that we like to go to Roseland to the Felix Hernandez show every month...
women and music are a very nice combo...whether you're doing the vertical or horizontal bop...indeed!