How many dancing audiophiles out there?

I don't mean that you dance when you listen..... well that may be ok too. I am curious if many or any of us dance in some organized venue, I have started recently and LOVE it. It allows me to mix two things I enjoy very much, women and music. In particular to those who are married, I strongly recommend doing it, your women will love you for it- more than you can imagine. Besides its a lot of fun!

I am learning west coast swing and find it quite enjoyable :o)
I forgot to add that we like to go to Roseland to the Felix Hernandez show every month...
women and music are a very nice combo...whether you're doing the vertical or horizontal bop...indeed!
Good, good advise. Good question too. Audiophiles tend too listen too music "actively" as opposed to just having background music, (generally). Dancing is of corse an active participation just as live music and just about every club that has music has poeple dancing.
My extremely shy, bashfull, embarrassed, but yet slightly arrogent but vain nature makes dancing a true challenge for me. Lately I have digressed to the point that I have to actually put effort into finding ways not to dance, So I offer the following from the other end of the spectrum; No matter what reason or excuse you give, when you refuse a woman a dance, they are offended somehow (I haven't quite figured that out yet as to excactly why, perhaps someone could tell me). If you want to meet someone, and you don't dance with them, forget it, you're done. And evan if it is completely innocent on the most innocent of levels, you're still in the doghouse. I've tried everything I can think of, From getting a meal and pretending I'm in the middle of it, Trying to repel with constant smoking, and complete honesty, explaining that I am not a good dancer and I would make them look bad and also explaining that it terrifies me. Many times. TRUST ME ON THIS- there is NO way out of it. And you married or hooked up men know because your woman has told you. Yes, there are gains to be made by dancing, but there are consequences for not. No matter how geeky and ridiculous you look, no matter how distressed and horrified you are, it seems they always want see for themselves, and it seems to please them.
The back tables are not as fun. It also seems anywhere accessable to seeing the band is a danger zone, and requires staying on your toes at all times. The alternative to relaxing with your freinds while you see real music and experiencing the thrill of possibly getting aquainted if you are available is to watch your back and wait for your punishment.