totem arro or rainmaker or von schweikert vr1

I am a college student getting into my first real audiophile system, i have a budget of only about 1500 for amp and speaker, and that is sort of pushing it. I am considering a set of totem arros or rainmakers or possibly a set of von schweikert VR1. Each of which i can find for around 700 or so on audiogon. as far as amplification im leaning towards a musical fidelity x-150 or maybe saving some money and getting an NAD c320bee or c352 or Cambridge Audio 640A. IF anyone has experience with any of these combinations or if you have any suggestions considering my budget i would apreciate all feedback good bad and ugly
Thank you
If you have the arro's you don't need to buy a stand. I had the Arro's , now I have the Hawks. Arro's look cooler as well.

The rainmaker are just ordinary looking speakers.

Forget about which one sound. Between the two it just really based on perference.

Cheer Simon
I have owned the NAD C320BEE for 2 years and felt that the best bookshelf matching it with it was the NHT SB2 ($400 list) or you could always upgrade to the NHT SB3 ($600 list). I have never cared much for the totem line (after extensive listeining). I always felt that the NHT SB2, when paired with the right amp (NAD C320BEE or going with tubes and going pretty upscale PrimaLuna Prologue 1/$1100 list) was a much better listen.

Regards, Rich
I don't have experience with the Totem line, but I do currently own the VR-1. It's an incredible little speaker. For under 1000 dollars, I haven't found better. I was running them with a Musical Fidelity A3, but just recently sold it. I will be replacing it with a Musical Fidelity X150 this Friday. I'm anxious to hear the difference, and I'm confident it will be better than I used to hearing. The X150 is supposed to be sweet integrated. Tied with the VR-1's, it should be a very nice system
I've auditioned the "Rainmakers" and the VR-1's. Between the two, I prefer the VR-1. The Arro's are so small and narrow I'd worry they would tip over. If it was me, I'd buy a used Arcam int. amp or an older Sony (80's) rec./int.amp. The NAD is OK especially considering the cost and it has a decent resale value. ( was selling the NHT SB3's for $199 each.) Good Luck!
Unless you want to rock the dorm and play at huge SPL, Arros better than Rainmaker based on my audition with a MF 3.2 integrated. And they completely disappear which is really coool! VR1 probably very good but Arros would be my known choice. Arros would do a good job with a 50wpc tube integrated as well (in a small/medium room)and that should fit into your price range $700-$750 (Jolida, Antique Sound Lab, Prima Luna if you find a used one). Do not waste your money on expensive cables, get Paul Speltz anti-cables here on Agon, they are the real deal. Good luck.