Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
Facebook first impressions:

Part-Time Audiophile: Out of the box? Much higher level of fit and finish than I would have expected. Sound quality is also something of a surprise. Very rich, full, with completely satisfying extension. That's all I've got so far, but it's been driving my Magnepan 3.7s to thunderous levels since this morning and it's only barely warm to the touch. Looking very much like a keeper.
Devilboy, thank you very much for the detailed description of the Jobs sound. I'm gotta sell the wife.
Well said Devilboy!

My two Job 225 amps are keepers. I am going to buy EVERY new Job product that comes out. I can't wait for their preamp and hope they come out with mono blocks.
Devilboy, thank you very much for the detailed description of the Jobs sound. I'm gotta sell the wife.
Hey, we're all in this together right? LOL. No problem Peleg, and good luck with your better half!

Joe, I understand that Job is coming out with a preamp soon. God, I have a feeling I'm going to make another purchase....I currently have the Bent TAP-X and let me tell you, one of those doesn't exactly fall into someone's lap every day. They're pretty hard to find. I was fortunate to come across one TWICE! I love that thing so much, but more importantly, I love it WITH the Job. I know I'm going to get the itch to buy the Job preamp but I don't want to get rid of the Bent. Oh God, this s*** never ends.

Joe, I'm about to go fuse shopping for both the Job and the Metrum DAC. Wish me luck.