GMA Callisto VS. Merlin TSM

As the title says, only if you have had listened both!
What are ups and downs? And the winner for you is?
Many of recordings were optimized/compromised for the era's popular player like console stereo, lo-fi home stereo, boom box or even headphone stereo, and for the era's popular listeners' preferences. Those recordings have "faults" to be played by a true hi-fi system and, when played by a true hi-fi set up, often shows problems prohibiting listeners from enjoyable listening.
Dear songwriter72@, you have repeatedly said that only GMA is good because of the phase coherent crossover network and that makes me feel offended because:

1. The thread invited opinions of listeners who have listened both Callisto and TSM-MM however you never indicated you had listened both. Have you ever listened to TSM-MM carefully? I am sure you didn't

2. If your theory about crossover design is true, the world of speakers should have been divided into black and white world of design and only one side had been winners. If you are true to your theory, why don't you worship fullrange speakers rather than GMA?

3. You urge your own definition of good speakers being ones to make any music enjoyable. I think you have confusion between hi-fi speakers and musical instrument. By no way I can see similar definition any where but you.

songwriter72@, I wish I could buy what you say but your theory and opinion look far from the real world truth. I can't understand why you repeat your voices which lack necessary foundation.
I believe once you hear the Callisto, you will understand what we are trying to convey here. Enjoy!
as you know the tsm mm is extremely continuous from top to bottom. you also know that the speakers do not have a dip in the midrange and imho, a silver cable will be a better fit with a typical speaker with a bbc style dip in the mids. the tsm mm or mx is better suited to a finely stranded copper wire like the audience au24 or cardas golden ref(litz) or even mit. these will retain the clearity and relax/flesh out the sound so more music will be able to be appreciated. for your work you may like the silver wire interface but for music appreciation you may prefer the copper wire. it is of couse, up to you.
glad you are enjoying them,
Bobby, you are right!
Both in sound pressure and tone, it is very continuous from top to bottom and by no way I could tell the seam between the bands.
When I said "...more forgiving...", I was not really hoping to make it that way. I meant that it might be necessary for some situations I can expect.
Even without more forgiving changes, TSM-MM's are truely musical.
Also, they are not picky to lose musical quality of some recordings but to show the flaws of the recordings.
I will still try different cables to enjoy more of what TSM-MM can do.
Thanks again Bobby for the healthy suggestions.