Cadillac of Turntables?

While watching the new FOX show 'Grandfathered' I noticed a Cadillac commercial that showed a VPI turntable with a 3D printed tonearm! I backed up the DVR, paused at the clip, then wondered, "Huh...does that make VPI the Cadillac of turntables?"

Interesting how I see more and more turntables on TV these days. And now, high-end models. Love it!
I think the Ferrari of turntables would be complex and expensive to repair. A Cadillac of turntables not so much.
Taters, Cadillac is extremely complicated to repair.
Those Mitsubishi vertical and linear tracking turntables are probably Cadillacs or Ferraries
I don't know. Do you have to pay Cadillac extra just so it will go the correct speed?
Although I haven't owned an American car since the '60s, I gather that the
newish Caddies are OK, I think you can get one with a Corvette engine and
possibly a stick.
Ferraris are expensive to maintain in part b/c the engine timing belt service
requires an engine drop or pull. (Not sure if this remains true on the latest
models). Parts were high, but not as crazy as Lambo parts. Porsche parts
aren't cheap either, but there is a huge third aftermarket supply of stuff for
them. Mechanics' time/cost pretty much the same across the board, unless
you know somebody. Most ignominious fixes- owning a Fiat with a 'Ferrari'
motor- Fiat quality, Ferrari pricing. (Yes, I know Fiat has owned Ferrari since
Whart....Fiat/Chrysler doesn't own Ferrari anymore. Just a couple of days ago there was an IPO for Ferrari - now a separate company. I was going to buy in, but found out the asking price....