What would be a good turntable/tonearm/cartridge

What would be a good turntable/tonearm/cartridge combination for someone new to the world of analog, having been a long-time CD spinner? I have a nice high-end CJ tube based stereo CD system, and I am looking for something that is easy to set up and maintain. Thanks. -Steve
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You will want to post your budget range and speakers to get useful responses. That said, I'm personally a fan of Sota tables, Dynavector cartridges, SME, Graham and DV arms. DV has worked especially well with the CJ gear I've auditioned, but everyone has to judge for themselves. VPI, Music Hall and Pro-Ject also have nice rigs. Scope them out online to see what they offer.
There's really no such thing as a turntable that's easy to set up and maintain. A turntable requires very careful setup, and maintenance with LPs is never-ending.
"11-27-15: Cleeds
There's really no such thing as a turntable that's easy to set up and maintain. A turntable requires very careful setup, and maintenance with LPs is never-ending."

For some people maybe.

You can buy an all Rega TT and cart that's pretty much plug and play. They use a 3 screw system on their carts that doesn't need to be adjusted or aligned.

There's plenty of really nice entry level gear out there to choose from. If you think you may need some guidance, call Larry at Hollywood Sound in FL. He's known all over the country as one of the best analog people you can deal with. I recommend him because he's the best at setting up affordable systems. Whatever your budget is, he'll make sure you get the best sound for what you spend.
We need to know your budget and if your CJ has a phonostage. If not, you'll need to add a phono preamp.

Some vinyl newbies want a plug and play TT/arm/cart setup. Some want vintage (but you may need to spend money on upgrading parts, plus having it shipped by a private seller is risky).

Lastly, if your budget allows, you can buy something above entry-level that is upgradable; you can change the tonearm, platter, add a separate power supply.
The Rega RP3 TT is an example where you can start with the basics and upgrade later.


Check out a variety of TTs at Needle Doctor.
If you have a high-end system steer clear of entry level turntables, you will get nothing but disappointment. But you don't have to buy expensive cartridge right away.
Yes, every turntable requires careful set-up, but maintaining it doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, it's minimal work.
Larry likes Nottingham turntables and MC cartridges.