Neutral electronics are a farce...

Unless you're a rich recording engineer who record and listen to your own stuff on high end equipment, I doubt anyone can claim their stuff is neutral.  I get the feeling, if I were this guy, I'd be disappointed in the result. May be I'm wrong.
Cool Geoff.

Glad to hear all is not lost.

Do you think the engineers actually designing and building this stuff might be able to do it as well?  Some, like the really good ones maybe even better?  

How about the successful end users setting this stuff up?   Are they imagining that things are actually going quite well?

If not maybe you can lend yourself out for hire. 

System neutrality is gauged by the percentage sq/signature of your music collection. The higher the quality similarity, the more neutral the system. The more polar, the more skewed the performance characteristics of the components are. How that relates to real life is another topic.
I think the lesser of similarity among recordings would indicate neutrality as a more neutral system would function as a window into detail…and all recordings differ. 
Wolfman, solid core interconnects are not spiraled. And shielding assuming they have such doesn’t protect against induced magnetic fields, only external RFI/EMI. Hum bucking is not generally employed for transformers although as you suggest it should be. Not to mention that all exposed internal wiring, even the wiring that’s spiraled, capacitors, chips, etc. are subject to the rather large magnetic fields produced by large transformers.