Wilson Audio Sophia 2 or Goldenear Triton 1

I can get a used pair of Sophia 2's for a litle more than the price of new Triton 1's.
Room is 20'X13', Rogue 90 and Odyssey Stratos amps( will eventually upgrade amps if needed).
I listen primarily to classical music and presently have Odyssey Lorelei speakers, which are terrific, but lack the detain and dynamic range for symphonic music.
Thanks for your insights.
Haven't heard the Tritons but have heard the Sophias, I think they are really a good choice for your musical tastes.  A very musical and forgiving speaker, unlike earlier Wilson models like the Watt/Puppies.
Just got my first Wilsons, the Sophia 2.  They are phenomenal.  I just got the placement in my room dialed in this weekend.  I've been playing jazz, rock, blues, classical, you name it, and the sound is just wonderful.  I can't speak about Tritons, but I am a happy camper with Sophia 2.  Good luck!
I just read a little on the goldenear, to see what it is all about.  It seems it has a strong relationship with Definitive Technology's Mythos series.   If this is the case, I will strengthen my previous comment and say, get the Wilson, hands down, no comparison.

I owned a pair of Def Tech Mythos super towers a few years back.  My wife, who may have better ears than I, always complained about the sound.  I quickly outgrew them myself, wanting a more pure, higher end speaker.  I sold the def techs and bought a pair of Rockport Mira Monitors and paired them with a Wisdom subwoofer.  This upgrade made the Def Tech Mythos sound like child's play in comparison - there was no comparison!  The Rockports are a world class speaker, and made much more realistic music.

Most recently I switched to the Wilson Sophia.  I did this for two reasons, the first of which was that I had yet to own a proper, high end floor standing speaker, and I wanted to have that experience in my system.  The 2nd reason was that my Rockports had not depreciated at the normal rate, and held much of the value that I paid for them.  The Wilsons on the other hand, seemed to depreciate at the normal rate.  The result was that I could leave Rockport & Wisdom for the Sophia 2 at an almost even trade, despite the higher system cost of the Wilson.  Cake and eat it!

not only did the Rockport-Wisdom combo blow away the Def Tech, the Wilson Sophia 2 is out performing the Rockports in my room.  Not by a ton mind you, the Rockports are outstanding.  But in my room, the floor standing Wilson is simply better that anything I have ever had before.  I am unbelievably happy.

hope this helps, good luck 

All helpful comments. I am auditioning the Wilson's tomorrow and expect to purchase then. Will post my comments after I have them home a few days.

Curious to what amps you like with them. I will try my Rogue90  tubes and Odyssey Stratos but am thinking a Pass xx.5 is in the future.

May also try the Benchmark AHB2 as you can purchase a Amazon with liberal return policy.



I'm using an Audio Research VT100mkII & LS25mkI for the Sophia 2's.  They drive them well, with plenty of great definition bass, but I think a bit more power would not be a bad thing.  I do need to turn the volume up quite a bit (3 o'clock on the dial) to get to the rock out levels.

I could see myself upgrading to a ARC ref 150 or a pair of ARC 200 watt tube monos, though that will be years away.  I am quite happy.