Wilson Audio Sophia 2 or Goldenear Triton 1

I can get a used pair of Sophia 2's for a litle more than the price of new Triton 1's.
Room is 20'X13', Rogue 90 and Odyssey Stratos amps( will eventually upgrade amps if needed).
I listen primarily to classical music and presently have Odyssey Lorelei speakers, which are terrific, but lack the detain and dynamic range for symphonic music.
Thanks for your insights.
I have listened to the Golden Ears and the Wilson Sabrina. The Wilson's were hands-down better in my opinion. (I haven't heard the Sophias, but I would buy a pair if the price was right).
As mlsstl said, opinions are a dime a dozen, so YMMV. If you want more details, let me know.
Haven't heard the Tritons but have heard the Sophias, I think they are really a good choice for your musical tastes.  A very musical and forgiving speaker, unlike earlier Wilson models like the Watt/Puppies.
Just got my first Wilsons, the Sophia 2.  They are phenomenal.  I just got the placement in my room dialed in this weekend.  I've been playing jazz, rock, blues, classical, you name it, and the sound is just wonderful.  I can't speak about Tritons, but I am a happy camper with Sophia 2.  Good luck!
I just read a little on the goldenear, to see what it is all about.  It seems it has a strong relationship with Definitive Technology's Mythos series.   If this is the case, I will strengthen my previous comment and say, get the Wilson, hands down, no comparison.

I owned a pair of Def Tech Mythos super towers a few years back.  My wife, who may have better ears than I, always complained about the sound.  I quickly outgrew them myself, wanting a more pure, higher end speaker.  I sold the def techs and bought a pair of Rockport Mira Monitors and paired them with a Wisdom subwoofer.  This upgrade made the Def Tech Mythos sound like child's play in comparison - there was no comparison!  The Rockports are a world class speaker, and made much more realistic music.

Most recently I switched to the Wilson Sophia.  I did this for two reasons, the first of which was that I had yet to own a proper, high end floor standing speaker, and I wanted to have that experience in my system.  The 2nd reason was that my Rockports had not depreciated at the normal rate, and held much of the value that I paid for them.  The Wilsons on the other hand, seemed to depreciate at the normal rate.  The result was that I could leave Rockport & Wisdom for the Sophia 2 at an almost even trade, despite the higher system cost of the Wilson.  Cake and eat it!

not only did the Rockport-Wisdom combo blow away the Def Tech, the Wilson Sophia 2 is out performing the Rockports in my room.  Not by a ton mind you, the Rockports are outstanding.  But in my room, the floor standing Wilson is simply better that anything I have ever had before.  I am unbelievably happy.

hope this helps, good luck 

All helpful comments. I am auditioning the Wilson's tomorrow and expect to purchase then. Will post my comments after I have them home a few days.

Curious to what amps you like with them. I will try my Rogue90  tubes and Odyssey Stratos but am thinking a Pass xx.5 is in the future.

May also try the Benchmark AHB2 as you can purchase a Amazon with liberal return policy.

