Atmasphere amps trustable?

Tube world, a big world, then I came acorss the Atmasphere on the net, looks different from those common tube stuff... kinda weird, the M-60 uses 8x 6AS7G output tube and 4x 6SN7 driver tube per channel, where're the rectifier tubes? Plus they're so-called OTL, sounds even more weird.
P.S. Atmaspheres do like a higher speaker impedance--I use Paul Speltz Zero autoformers as speaker wires, which bring the impedance of my Kef Reference 207/2s up to a respectable ~8 Ohm minimum and 14 Ohm avg which increases the output of the amps up into the 70W range.
Wait…can't I simply get a screwdriver and remove the transformers from my amps? And where do all the unused transformers go? Is there a pile somewhere? Is there an opposite amp that is ALL transformers? These are the sort of sophisticated questions that need to be asked…impedance imschmedance!
Wolf, yes you can remove the transformers from your amps.  Please do that today and send them to me.  I'll find a good use for them. :)

If I ever went with a tube amp, I'd seriously consider Atmasphere amps.

Like Markus1299, one of the best sounding systems I've EVER heard was Atmasphere/Classic Audio at RMAF a few years ago.

If I had a giant room for those speakers, and the money of course, I'd absolutely replicate that system.  It was AWESOME.

Not to mention Ralph is a great guy who makes fantastic products.
I have owned M60s for 17 years.  I first purchased them as a kit, and then I had them upgraded in 2007.  I have changed the tubes once in all that time.  They were absolutely reliable even though I drove some difficult loads with them.  I used them to drive my Quad 2805s.  I also want to say that heat has never been an issue.  The 100W Wavestream Kenetics Boxters that I am using now to the drive the Quads generate much much more heat.  They are standard push-pull amps based on 4 6550s (KT88s) each.