Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

My 3.5's are about 30 years old and still perform as I imagine they did way back when. I suppose one could check the crossover components out to verify all is in order, but I am personally VERY hesitant about letting anyone attempt a repair or "upgrade" for a couple of reasons. 

1.) I believe the design holds true to Jim Thiel's intent and seriously doubt that any alteration to them could or would improve anything. Makes me nervous thinking about the day that something could falter. I bought Thiel's because he designed them, and I should leave well enough alone.

2.) I'd sooner change another component over the speakers.  They've sounded wonderful with everything I've put through them. For now at least it appears that Thiel is still willing to make repairs on their legacy products such as our's, but for how long who knows?  
Good to see you- jonandfamily.

Hopefully, you will bring much to our thread here and love of Thiel speakers.

I have not ruled out Krell, either. Keep me posted on your buying decision!
I have 2.2 model and now the 2.7. I can't bear to part with the 2.2's.
I completely understand what oblgny sees in his 30 year old speakers. It is the same thing I see (hear) in the 2.2 version and why I will not let them go. 
The refinements over the years for each model line has been beneficial in the smoothness and musicality of the speaker, however the "old" sound was just as good - even better- in different ways. There - I've said it - you guys can hang me out to dry if you want and I spent quite a bit more on the new model. I like it just as much, but not more.
i listen to the 2.7's and sometime want to listen to the 2.2's. I'll put the old models up against competition's new models any day of the week.