How do I power my 800D(3)s

Hi folks

I am new to this, but trying to learn fast!

I have long been a fan of Bowers and Wilkins and I am lucky enough to buy a brand new pair of 800D(3)'s.  I have recently built a new house, so now have enough space for this very special purchase, which I plan to make in the next month or so.

I want to run a two channel system in our living room so it's a pretty simple layout.  Can anybody give me some advice, so that I get the best out of the speakers.  Will a Pre-Amp, and an Amp be enough with a Streamer?  Do I need two amps?  

Can you also advise on the best brands to look at.  I see that B&W tends to show the speakers off in thier demo's with Classe?  Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

Hey Guys 

Sorry I have been enjoying the holidays with my family so I am sorry for ignoring all of this sage advice.

I have been told that Classe are bringing out updated product in March 2017 so this could be an issue.  I wouldn't want to make a purchase and then regret it when they come out.    I have also listened to:

Naim  NAP 500's 
Lynn Klimax solo and Twin
Existing Classe CA-M600's
Rotel RB-1590

I am going to continue to explore when the kids go back to school at the beginning of January.

Will keen you posted.  For reference I really like the Lynn product, but it is VERY expensive 

I wish I had your problem. The speakers you bought are argueably as good as are made. Don't listen to cry babies who say something is better. They are jealous. BTW, B&W owns Classe. That is why you se them together. I personally prefer other brands. Here is your problem: your speakers are far too good to listen with any streaming service. You need a great CD playet and amps and at least one preamp with giant power supplies. Go to B&W dealers and others to listen to their best systems. Most good dealers should let you take equipment home to test, with full refunds offered.

I had Classe equipment. It was really good, but I prefer what I have. Unfortunately, you can' t have it.  The company belongs to an Apollo rocket scientist who retired. If you really want to splurge and have a really good A/C system, check out James Parker's audio Research. Anything designed by John Curl or Nelson Pass is also hard to beat. If yoy want to get a great deal, look at current Bryston two channel amps and preamps. They have a transferable 25 year warranty and sound really good. Don' t go by price. Use your ears.