Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
14,231 posts
01-14-2017 2:41pm
Details, details.

Hey, mopman, just curious, do you by any chance use an ear trumpet whilst listening to your system?

What in the blue hedoublehokeysticks are you going on about now?  

It's a shill it's a troll. It's Placeboman!!
You take your chances…although I’ve been ranting seemingly for ages against SR’s overpriced examples of possibly dangerous audio tomfoolery, and have occasionally posed the still unanswered question, "why, and how, were they designed to do whatever they do?", the safety issue (as well as the fuse directionality myth and ridiculous imagined sonic benefit claims, as well as obvious commercial promotion by thin skinned "shill seekers") seems unignorable, which isn’t to say it won’t be ignored. "Damn the torpedoes, I want my tonally accurate cellos!" You can claim until the cows come home (they may never come home by the way) that special shoe laces make you walk better, or cryonically treated valve stem caps make your car corner faster, but logic may prevail when reports come in that the laces come untied causing you to fall over, and the valve stems explode causing you to crash. Hypothetically…or maybe not as regards SR fuses. Details schmeetails!
Seeing it’s now fact by many having these SR mains fuses blow, that the melting point (which is the blow point) is wrongly overrated.
It’s a wonder you and the others haven’t sprouted other furphy that they are Class-A fuses, therefore closer to the blow (melt) point than a standard fuses are, so they must sound better, because they run so much hotter!!
Put that in the audio book of voodoo book along with them being directional as well

BTW if someone puts these in as their + and - DC rail fuses, and one blows before the other, you can say goodbye to that amp if not the speakers as well.

Cheers George