Ancient AR Turntable with NO anti skate

A friend had me over to listen to his restored late 60's Acoustic Research turntable.  While listening, I noticed that the somewhat awkward looking tonearm had no anti skate.  Looking closely at the stylus assembly, it wasn't drifting or pulling toward the center spindle.  It seemed to track clean and true through the entire LP.  The arm is the original stock AR arm and couldn't be more that 8.5" or 9" in length.  I am just curious how AR pulls that off with such a short arm?  I have seen several 12" arms (Audio Technica for example) that dispense with anti skate completely but never a smaller one.  By the way, the table sounded wonderful and the cartridge was a Denon 103R.




I believe you are correct the Rabco was the first accessory (separate component) tangental arm.  But by the late '70s several Japanese companies offered tables with tangental arms.  I had one of the Pioneer units (picked up in Japan by a Navy buddy) which was nearly the same as the Phase Linear version sold in the US.

Bruce Thigpen worked for Maplenoll, designing their air-bearing tangental arm prior to starting his own company, Eminent Technology, in 1982.  The first ET product was an improved version of that arm.  During the '80s Souther and other companies also introduced tangental tracking arms.

Back to the AR, VTF was not the only adjustment with that arm.  There is a set-screw on the underside to adjust arm length for stylus overhang.  However offset is fixed because headshell slots are not provided.

Doing a little more reading on the first SME arms that had no anti-skate an early reviewer 1960 commented that he loved the arm but not the fact it came with no skating compensation.

It was suggested to "tilt" the table slightly with the resulting compensation added. A simple fix from a time when you were left
to deal with concerns however one could..

Anyone notice how many 12" arms have no anti-skate?  From what I have read, the arm length seems to offset the skating forces one finds on arms in the 7-9" range. I actually have an old Audio Technica 12" arm that has no provison for anti-skate.  I was going to use it with my EMT turntable but need to have some servicing done on it first.  


The Phase Linear arm was so quick. I wish it were offered as a stand alone item, but of couse never was.

I have a client in Chicago whon has a Rockport System III Sirus turntable and I believe it has an air bearing tangential tonearm. What a table! An entirely different league.

Done correctly, the dreaded tangential tonearm can be the last word on the matter.  Tracking perfectly.  Makes one wonder why we so many pivitol tonearms and so few tangential?



The details are over my head but consider this general view.

When modern records are cut they are not done so with even groove spacing.  Instead the mastering engineer may adjust spacing based upon the dynamics of the music being recorded, along with how much play time is desired to be accommodate on a record side.

So even with playback utilizing a tangental arm, how will the arm be controlled to maintain perfect tangency with variable groove spacing?  It is my understanding that two different methods have been utilized.  I believe most of the arm/table combinations have sensors which read arm position and mechanically move it to maintain the cartridge/stylus perpendicular to the groove.  This means some degree of correction is always in play.  The second method is to allow the stylus to "pull" the arm across the record.  Obviously absolute minimal friction is needed for this to be successful which led to development of air-bearing arms.

Neither of these methods is simple or inexpensive to execute, and thus the emphasis on pivoted arms, being simpler to design and less expensive to produce.

I suspect this is similar to the situation why belt-drive tables became so dominant over direct drive and idler designs.