PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo

What would you consider the best option of these 3 to build a reference level system.
Any experience with these amps would be appreciated.
I'm also considering higher end gear but if budget does not allow i will stick to these 3 options.

Hey guys I'm enjoying Florida weather at the moment, I did my Ypsilon home demo on Feb 25 and it went flawlessly.
The distributor came the night before to plug all the gear in my system and we started the auditions the next day in the afternoon.
My Hegel HD12 DAC ended up being a serious bottleneck with the Ypsilon pre and monoblocks.
Luckily the distributor brought a Playback Designs CD player and an Helixir Audio DAC.
With the PD CD player we really started enjoying the huge potential of an Ypsilon system driving Thiel cs 3.7s.
I can tell you guys that I never heard my speakers sing in the past like that day!!
The midrange was the most magical I've heard to date, I felt like crying at some point.
The bass was very solid with huge articulation, there was a lot of air between instruments.
The soundstage is something I have never experienced in the past on Thiel speakers, holographic and extremely stable.
When we switched for the Helixir DAC it got even better, higher resolution and more relaxed.
If you are looking for an awesome DAC under 10K take a look at the Helixir Audio DAC retail for 7.5k.
To sum it up Ypsilon is phenomenal gear most probably competing with brands like CH Précision for half of the budget.
The Aelius ll monoblocks with only 200w into 8 ohms had a very good grip on my speakers.

I'm happy that you finally had your home audition with the Ypsilon electronics as they are genuinely superb.  I thought you'd be very impressed with their gorgeous natural sound character,  natural is hard to do.

I know you're quite interested in the D'Agostino and I hope you can also hear them in your home as well.  I was confident the Ypsilon would bring out the best in your Thiels. 
Hi Charles how are you doing ?
Yes you were right Ypsilon is beautiful sounding gear.
I don't think the d'Agostino classique amp can reach this level of quality, only the Momentum can at another price tag.

Check out JSA's ad for a momentum s250. If still available an unbelievable price w warranty. I'd jump on it. 50% off


Glad to hear about your audition with Ypsilon went well. I have recently gone through the similar experience but at a much lower price point.

My dealer brought in McIntosh C2500 / MC601 mono's to pair with my B&W 800D2’s. Right off the back, I was impressed with MAC’s transparency, natural sound and the deep low end. This is by far the best imaging I have heard from my 800’s. C1100T is next on the audition list.
