Dac: Does anyhting beat the Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby) in the same price range?

Schitt Gungnir Multibit (Gumby): Does anything beat it in the same price range?
Audio GD is supposed to be very good also but if we check spec the R2R ladder resistors in audio GD are 0,1% precision (DA M1 modules) but Ares has 0.01% resistors and the top Denafrips models even use 0,005% resistor ladders.
The Ares gets some very good user reviews. But as noted at Head-Fi, the Ares uses many small capacitors in its design...

The Ares gets some very good user reviews. But as noted at Head-Fi, the Ares uses many small capacitors in its design...
Yes it was discussed in HF forum. Small caps were chosen by designer for some reasons. One is that they react faster than big caps.
I'm currently comparing the Audio GD to Ares, both have approx. 150 hours so far, I'm leaning toward the Ares right now.
"I'm currently comparing the Audio GD to Ares, both have approx. 150 hours so far, I'm leaning toward the Ares right now."

Have you directly compared the Ares to the well-regarded dacs from Metrum and Schiit?  

"Have you directly compared the Ares to the well-regarded dacs from Metrum and Schiit? "

Not yet; I've only compared the Ares, Soekris  and Audio-GD to each other, all recent purchases within the last couple months.

Two months ago  I also purchased a Yggy from another popular site and stupidly sent a check. The seller disappeared, I never received the Yggy. Expensive mistake.

At this point I'm trying to discover a "diamond in the rough" at a lower price point, that's why I bought four. When I determine which one sounds best, I'll sell the others to purchase a Yggy again or maybe a Holo Spring for comparison.

Ares has a unique sound, detailed but relaxed. I'm not quite used to it, but I like it.

I'm sure you can google to find others who have compared Ares to other mega expensive dacs.
